As part of the Pharmacy Chiller project, the air handler unit 1 will be shut down so that the inner duct liner of the air intake can be replaced. Shutdowns will occur from 3:00 pm to 12:00 am on Nov. 6 and again on Nov. 7. This will affect all floors on the north end of the Pharmacy Building.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager John Doty at 541-740-8302.

As part of the Pharmacy 509 Chiller project, shut down of Pharmacy Air-Handler #1 for duct repair and insulation. This work is rescheduled from last week due to contractor emergency work that occurred during our scheduled duct cleaning.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager John Doty at (541) 740-8302.

Scheduled: Campus Wide Generator Testing

Effective Date(s): September 2019

Facilities Services will be performing annual load bank testing for the below listed building emergency/ stand-by generators.  Each test will take approximately 3 hours. There may be excessive noise and possible exhaust fume odors associated with testing.  Each generator will be refueled after testing.

Week of September 2nd

  • Burt Hall
  • Dearborn Hall
  • Milne Computer Center
  • The Valley Library

Saturday September 7th

  • Kerr Administration Building
  • Kerr Administration Building Telecomm

Week of September 9th

  • Pharmacy
  • Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Lab
  • John L. Fryer Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory Salmon Disease Lab #1
  • Research Way Building

Week of September 16th

  • Portable #3
  • Portable #4

For questions or comments on this notice contact, Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

As part of the Pharmacy 509 Chiller project, we need to clean the dust build-up with the duct in air handler #1 to help increase the airflow across the new cooling coils for the new chiller.  The air handler will be turned off at 5:30pm on Tuesday evening and will be shutdown until the cleaning is complete.  We need to leave off so that the dust/debris does not move down stream in the ducts.  It would be best to leave some of the doors in the labs open to help out with the exhaust floor and room pressurization.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager John Doty at (541) 740-8302.