As part of the Pharmacy Chiller project, the air handler unit 1 will be shut down so that the inner duct liner of the air intake can be replaced. Shutdowns will occur from 3:00 pm to 12:00 am on Nov. 6 and again on Nov. 7. This will affect all floors on the north end of the Pharmacy Building.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager John Doty at 541-740-8302.

As part of the Magruder Expansion project, water and medical gas will be tied in to the LINAC building on the north end of Magruder Hall. There will be a domestic water shutdown to the Large Animal wing and a medical gas shutdown to the entire building at Magruder Hall. Water for the rest of the hospital will not be turned off.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Dave Raleigh at 541-230-0804.

Metered parking spaces along 30th Street near West Hall

Metered parking spaces near West Hall will be temporarily closed and/or blocked to allow equipment to park near the manhole adjacent to the corner of 30th Street and Intramural Lane. Workers will be clearing the storm sewer pipe. This will allow work to take place without blocking traffic. Some traffic slowing is expected for the safety of workers. Parking spaces will reopen as soon as work is completed.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Infrastructure Project Manager Aaron Collett at (541) 207-2780.

Traffic will be controlled with flaggers between SW 15th and SW 26th Streets along Washington Way in order to allow exploratory utility work for the design of the Washington Way Reconstruction project. Roads will remain open but some delays should be expected.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Lindsey Austin at (541) 990-7720.