Hello everybody,

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I here to remind everybody that our next meeting is on Monday (2/13) at 7 PM. This meeting is going to be a very important meeting, where the club will start organizing our majoy event, the Wheel – A – Thon. Wheel–A–Thon, short for WAT is an annual event on the OSU campus sponsored by the Pre – Therapy and Allied Health Club at the Memorial Union Quad. The event is a 20 minutes wheelchair relay race through an obstacle course design by the students and the members of the PTAH Club. The obstacle involved members of each team sit in a wheel chair and go through the obstacle course as fast as possible. There will be prizes for the team who had the most laps on the obstacle and the individual who had the fastest time on one lap. The main goal of this event is to raise awareness and funds for programs on campus that support local individuals with disabilities. The PTAH Club hopes that many students and the communities will understand the difficult of the individuals in a wheel chair or with disability. All the funds raised are directly donated, split equally between two programs that provide opportunities for OSU students to help individuals with disabilities participate in physical activity, the MS Clinic and the IMPACT Program. There will be 4 different committees to organize the event. The 4 different committees are Course Design, Sponser & Donation, Recuritment, & Advisement. We will tell you more about the committees at the meeting and each committees will be lead by either one or two officers. The members will be able to choose which committees do they want to be part of. So we will be needing everyone to come join us and help create the best WAT yet. I hope to see everybody on Monday!!! There are also a fun video on WAT create by the OSU Athletics Department. Check it out!!!

Willie Leung


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