As part of the Pharmacy 509 Chiller project, the shutdown of Pharmacy air-handler for flow testing and working on fan motor will occur.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager John Doty at (541) 740-8302.
As part of the Pharmacy 509 Chiller project, the shutdown of Pharmacy air-handler for flow testing and working on fan motor will occur.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager John Doty at (541) 740-8302.
As part of the Magruder Hall Renovation project, the domestic water line will be shutdown so new systems for the clinic and lecture hall can be tied to the existing system.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager, Dave Raleigh at (541) 230-0804.
Scheduled: Campus Wide Generator Testing
Effective Date(s): August 2019
Facilities Services will be performing annual load bank testing for the below listed building emergency/ stand-by generators. Each test will take approximately 3 hours. There may be excessive noise and possible exhaust fume odors associated with testing. Each generator will be refueled after testing.
Week of August 5th
Week of August 12th
Week of August 19th
Saturday August 24th
Week of August 26th
For questions or comments on this notice contact, Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.
Closures are often subject to changes and delays, so please visit the OSU Campus Closures, Shutdowns, and Detours page for updates on this and other campus closures.
Please forward this notice to anyone who would benefit from this information.
Facilities Services
University Facilities, Infrastructure & Operations
Oregon State University
560 SW 15th Street | Corvallis, OR 97331 | 541-737-2969
GBC Construction will be placing the new chiller on the roof of Dixon Recreation Center beginning at 6pm on Tuesday July 23rd. Parking between Dixon and Goss Stadium will be closed beginning at 6am Tuesday 7/23. Work is expected to be completed by 6am on Wednesday 7/24. Short-term parking for pickup/drop off of recreational equipment rentals will be accommodated throughout the day on 7/23.
As part of the Magruder Hall Renovation and Additional project, water shutdown begins at 6am, tying in new additions to waterlines; beginning at 7am electrical shutdown with Pacific Power to tie new electrical services into the existing transformer.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager, Dave Raleigh at (541) 230-0804.
The City of Corvallis is replacing the 4-inch water main that feeds Gilbert Hall starting mid-morning on Tuesday, July 16. This affects the water main that feeds Weniger Hall, so Weniger will be without water for a few hours as well. Gilbert will be without water until the tie-in of the new line and capping of the old line is complete. This is likely to be until close of business Tuesday. There is a slight chance the City may need to continue the work on the Gilbert line until Wednesday, but this is not highly likely.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Aaron Collett at (541) 207-2780.
The Waldo Hall East parking lot (#3266) between Waldo Hall and Snell Hall will be closed beginning July 9, 2019. The parking lot will be closed to make repairs to a water leak (map). A second notice will follow when the parking lot is reopened.
For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.
As part of the Johnson Hall Re-roof project, the Air Handlers are being shutdown to install the carbon filters and begin roof repair.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Dave Raleigh at (541) 230-0804.
As part of the Magruder Hall Expansion project, water shutdown affecting the Small Animal Clinic is scheduled.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager, Dave Raleigh at (541) 230-0804.
The steam will be shut down in Sackett Hall, Austin Hall and Learning Innovation Center July 30, 2019 from 7 am – 4 pm for repairs. This will affect all steam services, includes heat & hot water building wide.
For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.
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