The hybrid course that I am currently developing is TCE 424, “Teacher as a Reflective Practitioner,” for winter term, 2013. It is the final seminar for our full-time student teachers(soon to be early childhood or elementary school teachers) that accompanies their full-time student teaching in the public schools around the state of Oregon. It is the only course the students take during this final term of their senior year. The enrollment varies, but, is normally between 20-30, and, each student is working to obtain their teaching degree/license upon the completion of this final term. Students are focused and highly motivated to reflect upon best practices that they themselves are learning while teaching, as well as what they are observing in the field. We will all meet face to face every other week, with online assignments being turned in during the alternating weeks through Blackboard, which every student can access. We will use class meetings for various guests(Career Services, Licensure representatives, Panel of Elementary School Principals, Panel of New Teachers, , School District Human Resource Representatives) and a field trip to the local Multi-Cultural Center to meet with a panel of parents. We also discuss educational topics of concern and new ideas, as well as having student-led discussions on various assigned readings. These students collaborated together during the prior term, during their part-time student teaching practicum, course work, and, are creating their second “Work Sample;” the first having been created during their part-time experience. Each week, a section of the work sample is due and turned in online, which I will score with a rubric. Also, at two times during the term, peers review each other’s work sample assignments and give written feedback on those assignments. In addition, a piece of the Senior Capstone is due approximately every other week. These papers(which include a resume, cover letter, professional learning goals, educational philosophy statement, reflective teaching essay) are discussed in class, and, the final copies turned in online and then scored. Additional assignments may include attendance at various teacher job fairs, a principal interview(or questions for the panel attending the face to face class), review and sharing of classroom management theories and individual meetings with the teacher. These student teachers are also formally observed at least six times throughout the term by their cooperating teacher and university supervisor, which observation forms are turned in at the completion of the term. We plan to have most of the final drafts of assignments turned in online, but, with initial drafts, questions and concerns discussed during class. As well, topics of interest or need are announced online, so that students come to class prepared to discuss and review these topics.