The pitfall I’d like to avoid, but know I am going to struggle with, is being the “Sage on the Stage”. One of the facets I love about teaching such large classes (600) is that it really is very much like a performance. I do feel like I am on stage. Many days I tell stories to better illustrate a concept I’m covering. When telling these stories, I could hear a pin drop in the auditorium. Sometimes I think students are much more interested in hearing the stories than they are the actual lecture content.
Maybe I can avoid being the “Sage on the Stage” by, instead of feeding students information in the form of lecture content, I could direct them to trustworthy websites where they could locate some of the lecture content themselves. I feel that where students find their information on the Web is critical, particularly for this DPD hybrid class. It is here that I can still keep my sage-like persona, as the curator of content. Once they have the necessary information, I can then guide them through the processes of applying and synthesizing the material they’ve found, and then I could tie it all together through stories in the classroom.
Additionally, an auditorium classroom doesn’t lend itself well to students participating in group activities, so the class isn’t very interactive. I am hoping that the online component of my hybrid class will allow for this type of interaction. I also hope to try group activities in the classroom now that I won’t be pressed for time trying to get through lecture material.
I anticipate this hybrid course will force me to relinquish some of the limelight, which is probably a good thing 🙂