My Hybrid Course in a Nutshell – Kathy Greaves

Hi all 🙂   You probably don’t know me but I was part of the spring, 2013 Hybrid Learning Community. I tend to say that I failed the course miserably but Cub has been kind enough to say that I just took an Incomplete. So here I am finishing up one of the final requirements of my spring HLC – my blog envisioning my hybrid course.

HDFS 201: Contemporary Families in the U.S. is a very large enrollment (350) Baccalaureate Core Course that meets the Difference, Power, and Discrimination (DPD) requirement. Students are typically from all four classes and all colleges. This 3-credit course will meet every Tuesday for 80 minutes. The DPD content of the course is very sensitive and focuses on issues of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia in the context of U.S. families. Contextual topics include poverty, cohabitation, marriage, divorce, LGBT families, parent-child relationships, work-family balance, family violence, and family policy. Most students don’t have a particularly hard time with the material, but there is a significant minority of students who have very specific beliefs about families and Systems of Oppression and, as a result, feel that what I am presenting is “made up.” So that’s quite challenging.

The most significant challenge for me has been trying to figure out how to engage SO MANY students with each other either in the classroom or online – and resources providing ideas have been few and far between. But I do have a plan.

Each week, online activities will include watching mini-lectures and taking a quiz on textbook reading. The quizzes will replace the in-class mid-term exam I usually give. Over the course of the term, they will submit evaluations of four specific articles related to the DPD content. There will also be some weeks where they’ll have to find information online and bring it to class for further discussion. I might try one or two discussion boards, but I hesitate not only because of the size of the class but also because of the DPD content. Some students have been known to say some highly insensitive things and since the class is about families, these insensitive things are usually taken very personally. With over 350 students, I am worried about the time devoted to managing that.

In class, I’ll integrate online content with F2F experiences in a number of ways. First, I’ll cover a bit more lecture related to each of the online mini-lectures. Second, I’ll pose keypad questions based upon the online mini-lectures. Third, student will contribute information they found online.

While I haven’t included a way for students to interact with each other online (aside from the possibility of a discussion board), I will include some “pair and share” activities in class. Students will also be sharing online information they found with their “pair and share” partner as well as with the whole class. Keypad activities are a final way in which students are engaged in the class.

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SOC 316 Hybrid: Social Statistics with Style

Sociology has become, for a fair number of our majors, a refuge within the university system from the onslaught of mathematics.  Despite the misconception, the study of society is rooted in empirical observation and statistical analysis.  After all, we are a Social Science, not a Humanity.  This pattern is particularly vexing as roughly 10% of sociology majors are quite accomplished mathematicians.

This reality produces a true challenge for teachers in sociology, and one that may be solved through the hybrid environment.  SOC 316 teaches students the conceptual under pinning of statistical analysis, their practice through an industry standard statistical program, and their application through the completion of research project.  These goals divide the class into three sections: conceptual lectures, labs, and the paper.

By using recorded, online lectures, students with math-phobia can watch the process over and over until they understand the process, while students with stronger math skills can fast forward and not waste their time.  For both sets of students, their understanding will be evaluated through a series of weekly homework assignments collected through blackboard.  After the homework due, a document appears showing students how to properly do the work.

The process for the lab is largely the same, using videos to help bridge the gap between students who are very comfortable with computers and those who are largely perplexed by them.  Due to the complexity of the software, and the fact that unlike math which might be used daily there is little opportunity to use the software outside of class, a pair of weekly homework assignments will evaluate students’ skills.  Rather than using a document, short videos are recorded walking the students through the steps.

The final object of the class is evaluated through a series of weekly assignments that mirror the process of producing the analysis section of a journal article.  The sit in parallel to the skills taught both in lecture and lab.

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ENGR 390: A hybrid concept

I plan to offer ENGR 390 Engineering Economy course as a hybrid offering in Fall 2014. I have some experience teaching this class online (3 times) as well as on campus in a traditional setting (6 times). The online section typically has 10-20 students. The Corvallis campus offering has about 90-100 students and typically has 2 offerings.

My first motivation for offering the hybrid course is to make a comparative assessment if there is a way to address the limitations and challenges posed by the two previous offerings. By investing this time, I will be able to gain first-hand experience in disruptive teaching innovations sweeping academia. I expect that the experience will allow me to formulate improved strategies for meeting a big challenge in current engineering education of more effectively engaging students in a large class-room. I would also like to tap into the opportunity of addressing learning needs that are more global than local.

In the hybrid course offering, I will use about 75 short video lectures (5-8 minutes in length) that I have recorded for the on-line component of the course. These lectures cover all the concepts needed for the course along with several examples. This will allow students to have a flexible learning platform that will partially address student engagement challenges in a large class-room such as: (a) I missed what was said and now can’t keep pace, (b) I was too tired/sick/bored to attend class and now I am behind, (c) the concept was too complicated at first explanation and I would like to hear it again. Despite, all these lofty motivations, I suspect that many students will not put in the time to carefully study this material and hope to get by the course simply showing up unprepared to class, as is their current disposition.

In order to address the above problem, I would like to add quizzes on Blackboard that ensure that the student is putting in the time to learn the material and that too in a timely manner. I heard some ideas on how it can be implemented with automatic grading without becoming an enormous work burden. I have experimented on this idea with a commercial portal that is fraught with too many limitations. I’d like to put this alternative approach into practice and award 20% of the grade on this exercise.

The traditional format provides little opportunity to implement a term project owing to the class size. I am tinkering with the idea of using small on-line discussion groups (say 10) that will work on an assigned problem in stages and deliver an online report and presentation around Week 8 (10% of the grade). The rest of the class has to review the material and will submit an assignment based on the projects in Week 10 (10% of the grade). This is the most challenging part of the course design and chances are if I don’t get good ideas from my learning cohorts I may well abandon this part of the course.

In the flipped classroom, I’d like to have working sessions to solve problems for which the students are graded for another 30%. The face time will also involve 2 mid-terms for 30-40% of the grade (depending on whether the project route is feasible or not).

I’d love to hear what the rest of the learning crew thinks about my proposed course design.













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My Hybrid Course in a Nutshell

A quick overview of the class.  It’s BA101 – Introduction to Business.  As the title implies the course is designed to introduce students to the world of business – as such it is a “mile wide and an inch deep” (or maybe three inches deep).  The general idea is they will gain a deeper understanding of business basics (accounting, marketing, operations, etc.)  Currently the course is a six credit large lecture format class with three 1½ hour lectures and one smaller 1 hour lab per week.  Enrollment varies between 170-300 per term.    Students are primarily freshmen and sophomores and there is a large international contingent (typically 15%-40%).  For hybrid deployment I plan on have one 2 hour lecture per week and continue with the weekly 1 hour labs.

Right now I envision using the lecture class meeting time to do three things:  1) Continue to cover some of the same material I currently cover in lecture 2) Go a bit deeper on some of the topics, and 3) Do more activities and discussion in lecture.  I currently do a fair amount of “pair-share” and some problem work, but it always comes directly after delivery of the content and it is often rushed.  By pushing some of the content to the web via micro-lectures and materials from Merlot I should be able to dedicate more time and detail to in-class activities.  The overall goal is to spend more time in-class working on application of concepts as opposed to explaining the concepts.

Online I plan to continue to continue quizzes I currently do regarding textbook and article readings.  Additionally, I am already running assignments through Blackboard and will continue this as well.  As I mentioned I envision doing a number of micro lectures as well as employing some of the material I have found at Merlot.  I would like to get eCampus involved to create a couple of interactive online activities.  Finally, I plan to employ the discussion board.   Given the size of my class I will probably only do it two or three times during the spring quarter, using it as a trial to see if I want to continue or if it needs to be refined for future use.

As for linking.  My idea is to have them read and watch lectures prior to face-to-face meetings.  Through in-class activities and discussion we can then dig into the material more deeply.  One functionality that is supposed to be available in the next iteration of Blackboard is the ability to aggregate class quiz data.  Currently if I want to look at class wide Blackboard Quiz data (e.g. # of times a given pool question was asked/number of correct responses) I can’t.  Once I have this ability I plan to use the data as a discussion starter in class (e.g. “I see we struggled with the following question.  Let’s talk about it….”).

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Hybrid Science — SUS/SOIL 102 goes digital

Life once was easy.  I taught my usual 3 classes, did research.  But then one day I said, you know, it really bugs me that we don’t have a Sustainability degree here.  5 years later (and a new Sustainability degree) I thought, you know, it is silly that OSU, as a major environmental science research mecca, does not have an introductory Environmental Science and Sustainability class.  2 years later I think… you know, that class isn’t really open to everyone because it will only be scheduled once a term and if a class conflicts, the student can’t take it.  And besides, if there is a 100 person limit, how much interaction will there be in the large lecture anyhow?  The personal interaction will all be in the smaller group labs and recitations!  Why not make the ‘sage on the stage’ part digital, and keep the interactions to smaller groups?  And that is the history of why I want to make my 100-person Sustainability SUS/SOIL 102 into a hybrid class.

I think that this sort of lab/recitation class really lends itself to a hybrid format.  Everyone should try it 🙂 as long as they aren’t as easily overwhelmed by glitzy computer technology as I am.  Since discussion and hands-on activities are all handled in a small-group 3 hour sessions anyhow, why not put the background learning content on the web, so that students can learn and incorporate material at their own speed?  Some students learn science in 2 seconds, will take the Blackboard quizzes, analyze the data presented, write what they need to write, and be done 20 minutes later.  Others might need to really ponder the concepts, Google and Wikipedia half the vocabulary, and fret over data analysis and synthesis for a lot longer.  Why not from the comfort of their own dorm rooms, or more likely, the local coffee house?

The tricky part might be in how lost students might get — what if they really need a lot of help with content in the book or with lecture material?  Then again, in a 100 person class, they don’t get help during the lecture part.

My principal concern is over student motivation.  I set the points for Blackboard activities high, and getting through each week’s activities requires reading all the material assigned, watching TED talks, doing online work.  The points for midterms and finals are set relatively low, so that the weekly activities were good carrots.  They get points SUBTRACTED from their grade (a lot) if they don’t come to the lab/recitation, besides not getting the points for the lab, so there is a lot of playing Big Brother for these young non-science major freshmen, likely in their first college science class.  Is there a better way to play Big Brother and ‘encourage’ them to keep up to date and be more self-motivated than they ever had to be in high school?  More carrots, more sticks?


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My hybrid course (ECON 424/524) in a nutshell

Here’s a description of my hybrid course, ECON 424/524: Introduction to Econometrics, in a nutshell. The course will enroll 25-30 students, mostly junior and senior economics majors. The course covers the basics of econometric analysis, focusing on multivariate linear regression analysis. My goal is to equip students with an understanding of how economists and other social scientists conduct quantitative empirical analysis, i.e., how they use data to test theories. Many students find the course challenging, because it involves a substantial amount of math and statistics. The difficulty that students face in absorbing this material in a traditional lecture format prompted me to develop this hybrid course, in hopes that incorporating online instruction would provide a new medium for students to learn the material.

We will meet twice per week: once for 80 minutes for an in-class session, and once for 50 minutes for a computer lab session. Students will be responsible for about two hours of online activities per week. I plan to incorporate many elements of the “flipped classroom” in my course. Online activities will consist largely of video lecture that will supplement textbook reading. The 80-minute classroom sessions will focus on problem solving, although I will also reserve time for review of lecture material and student questions. The weekly computer lab sessions will focus on application of the course content using statistical software; students will complete laboratory exercises that ask them to apply econometric techniques to social science datasets that I provide.

In moving from a traditional on-class version of the course to this hybrid version, the novel components are the video lectures and the 80-minute classroom session. I plan to produce my own video lectures in the Khan Academy mold: short (5-15 minute) mini-lectures on a particular subtopic in econometrics, consisting of my narration over whiteboard-style description of the concepts. In fact, Khan Academy and other online courses already have some appropriate material that I plan to assign, although I will produce the bulk of recorded lectures.

During the 80-minute classroom session, I plan to spend most of the time solving practice problems. In each session, I will have a series of practice problems that cover the week’s material and are similar to what students will face on their graded homework and exams. I will vary the way in which we solve these problems throughout the session: sometimes I will walk the entire class through a problem, asking for voluntary input as we go along. Other times I will split students into small groups, and ask a group to show how they solved the problem to the rest of the class. For shorter problems, I may poll the class about possible solutions, and ask students who disagree with each other to discuss their answers and see if they reach consensus. I will also inevitably need some classroom time to review the trickier parts of lecture material, as well as to set aside time to answer student questions.

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Entry level class in philosophy, especially in Ethics, are most often quite different than what the student expects. First, there is the basic (mis)-conception that ‘everybody has their own philosophy’ and we’re here to share ours and compare. Second, pertaining to ethics in particular, everybody already thinks they know the difference between morally right and wrong, what makes something morally right or wrong, etc.. That is, while we’ve all been socialized into some society with it’s norms, we often simply don’t step back and reflect and question them, so we think the answers are easy and obvious. For these reasons, I’ve found a lot of my work in these classes is enforcing that these ideas are not well founded – it’s a constant job to keep the students thinking critically (i.e. not wanting to avoid seeming uppity with their own moral opinions and being willing to question the views of others) and to not slip back into a philosophical assumption (e.g. that all moral judgments are relative to one’s cultural, or that there are no moral truths) without recognizing that this *is* a philosophical position that has to be defended by argument).

My view is that these conditions make the “sage on the stage” model of conducting a classroom very tempting, as I’ve said, in the lower-division courses especially because students are so easily tempted to fall back into their preconceptions about what is going on when we “do” philosophy. I’m not ‘pouring knowledge into open minds’ so much as trying to keep everybody’s thinking focused on what exactly it is we are trying to do.

My biggest worry, then, is Design Pitfall #3. In light of this, I hope to use our face-to-face classroom experience to ‘keep them in line,’ so to speak, and to give some kind of special warning at those times about the times that I am not there to remind them. I’ll need to think of someway for them to carry the idea that, for example, not all nifty ideas are thereby philosophically interesting, nor does writing or speaking in obscure ways make their work more ‘philosophical’ etc. This will be a challenge to me for the on-line in designing the on-line portion of my class.

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Common Pitfalls in Online Course: A Hybrid Perspective

The “5 pitfalls” essay addresses the need to view the hybrid course as an opportunity to increase engagement with the student as a step towards enhancing their learning. It is very easy to lose sight of the person on the other side of the screen . The new learning platform is fraught with technology challenges for the student and the professor. Further, the technology development itself is evolving and we have to play a role to understand some of the limitations and work with the development team to fix it. Just like there are skills to be gained in order to be effective in the traditional classroom; one has to accept that there is a learning curve to excel as a teacher in a hybrid environment. This is particularly true for a generation that has not been raised on interacting with gadgets from an early age. All this implies that there is a fairly large lead time to develop, implement and refine a successful hybrid course and it may take several iterations to get it right.


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Common Pitfalls

Of the five pitfalls, all but #2 will be a challenge.  My current style of teaching my large lecture course leans heavily on all of the remaining pitfalls.  If I had to pick one that will be most difficult I would pick #5.  My class doesn’t have a tremendous amount of student to student interaction, and when it does occur the students are either compelled to participate (i.e. team activities) or it tends to be guided by me rather heavy handedly.  I think my reluctance to do more student to student interaction is driven by a) the sheer size of the class which makes it rather unwieldy b) my, perhaps too intense, desire to cover all the content in a 10 week sprint.  This desire makes me a bit of a control freak who fears student to student interaction may lead to aimless, off topic forays which eat into what little time I have.

I’m hoping the hybrid model will provide a means for me to loosen the reins a bit.  Perhaps through the groups function I could create cohorts at the beginning of the term.  These cohorts could work together throughout the term to study, perhaps present on key concepts, discuss topics on a discussion board, etc.  My hope would be they would develop a bond and turn to the group for help and support.  Having said that, one concern I have is how to make this meaningful for the students.  I fear it will either be a bust with little or no participation or if I compel the students to do it through points it will simply become a “have to do” item and they will just go through the motions to get the points rendering the exercise meaningless.

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How to encourage student-student interaction?

Of the five common pitfalls of online course design, I’m worried about all of them when it comes to designing my hybrid course. The one that gives me most pause, though, is #5: “ignore the ways students learn from each other.” Encouraging students to learn from each other is something I’ve done too little to encourage in the on-campus version of my course. I worry that when the course becomes a hybrid, the loss of in-class interaction time among students will make the problem even worse.
I think there are two sources of this problem that I’ll need to address in order to avoid it:

1) reliance on the traditional lecture format

2) fear of student online interaction (or lack thereof), or sharing incorrect information

The first is a decidedly offline issue, so why am I worried about it in this context? Because I’m not in the habit of encouraging students to learn from each other in the classroom, I fear it will be even harder for me to incorporate peer learning online.

The second issue stems from the content of my course (Introduction to Econometrics). Will students really converse with each other online about econometrics? How will they convey mathematical or graphical ideas? What incentive will they have to aid each other? Is an online forum the best way to encourage students to learn from each other, or are there better ways?

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