Online Course Design Pitfall #4: Expect your students to consume knowledge rather than create it.

I find this pitfall difficult to overcome, especially, when I think about how I should address areas, which have traditionally been taught with a face-to face lecture (e.g. anatomy, physics, etc..) in a small, but still large class. I struggle sometimes at the beginning of a class understanding/estimating  were student stand in regards to their knowledge. Doing case discussions helps me usually to better understand where the class stands and what key concepts they feel comfortable with or not; however, I have so far only done in in classes, which are about half the size from the new class . I checked out how people flip the classroom in medical education and came across the Khan university website. On the Kah website, I could find a lectures series about cervical radiography; however, that looked relative basic in regards to radiography. I had also been wondering if radiology is ready to flip the class room and came accross the artilce ”

“Practice Corner: Is Radiology Education Ready for a Flipped Classroom?

…mastery of medical knowledge is only one of the core competencies as defined by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). The other competencies are professionalism, patient care, practice-based learning and improvement, systems-based practice, and interpersonal skills and communication. These skills are not easily conveyed in a short video: They must be modeled. A radiology curriculum commons may act as a substitute for textbooks and live didactic lectures, but local radiology faculty will still be needed to reinforce medical knowledge and to help trainees develop the other professional competencies. After all, “professionalism is at the core of the art, as well as the science, of medicine” and “we learn the art from role models, from the people around us” (6).”

I am not sure, if students can easily provide knowledge do a degree needed in class and teach it; however, I agree that there is a lot of potential in students and I/we need to look for the best way tapping it. I envision that the class may have some of both elements, including short lecture series and lots of discussion sessions.


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2 Responses to Online Course Design Pitfall #4: Expect your students to consume knowledge rather than create it.

  1. sakumak says:

    I know nothing about radiology education but could students teach each other? That would require them to obtain the knowledge, demonstrate their understanding through practice and simultaneously model the technique, and reduce didactic lectures. They would do readings and most of the prep work out side of class but demonstrate through peer teaching during class where you can correct as needed. Just one way you might be able to flip.

  2. smstieger says:

    I love your comment and that is a really great idea. I have never used it in the way of evaluating it or checking it. I only have seen it in the lab environment were students discuss cases with each other before they present it.
    I think your idea is great, I think I would need to learn how to best evaluate it or if I do not evaluate how I could ensure that students learn the correct things. What I have noticed at some times in the lab is that very vocal students teach/influence other students, but what they say is not always correct.
    Thank you for your great comment!

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