Do you want to know where puppies and kittens come from?

Fundamentals of dog and cat breeding will be taught in ANS 456: Companion Animal Production. Concepts covered include housing, feeding, breeding stock selection, and as well as biology and environment management from estrus through parturition to weaning. Due to the nature of this class, a variety of animals may be present during weekly classroom meetings.  While precautions will be taken, any contact with animals carries some risk of injury or illness. The course is limited to 70 students with senior standing. As a hybrid course, classroom and online learning activities will be integrated. Half of the classroom time is replaced with online activities. Students will spend an average of 2-4 hours a week working with online and other course materials.

The general objective of the course is to increase each student’s proficiency and knowledge in the areas of management, nutrition, physiology, breeding, health, and marketing as related to companion animal production.  The student should be able to integrate the principles of breeding, feeding, management, and marketing in a progressive and innovative manner and apply these principles to solve current and future problems in companion animal production. General learning outcomes include:  1) Understanding the housing requirements and strategies available for dogs and cats; 2) Understanding nutritional demands at various stages in companion animal production; 3) Recognizing the importance of the methods to improve reproductive management and optimize reproductive efficiency in a kennel or cattery; 4) Developing an appreciation for the place and importance of responsible companion animal production. Module-specific learning outcomes can be found in the course overview in the syllabus.

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