Faculty Funding Opportunity

Request for Proposals: Hybrid Faculty Learning Community

Snow-covered trees in front of blue sky on the OSU campusHybrid works at OSU! More than 120 different courses in 10 OSU colleges have been offered in a hybrid format on the Corvallis campus during the past four years. The number of hybrid course sections increased 30% in the past academic year with a total enrollment of over 5800 students.

A hybrid course by definition includes both regularly scheduled, on-site classroom meetings and online learning activity that replaces regularly scheduled class meeting time. The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), will offer compensation and course development support to OSU faculty during the spring 2017 term for redesign of established classroom courses that will be offered for the first time as hybrid courses in the fall 2017 or winter 2018 terms.

CTL will provide $2,500 in professional development funds to instructors who fully participate in the Hybrid Faculty Learning Community in spring 2017 and redesign a Corvallis campus course as a hybrid course. If a team develops a course, the $2,500 will be equally split among the team. The learning community will blend 5 face-to-face meetings with online activities. Meetings will be Wed., 2:00-3:50 p.m., on Apr. 12 and 26, May 10 and 24, and June 7. Instructors and tenured/tenure-track faculty with at least 2 years of teaching at OSU are eligible to participate.

Hybrid courses designed through this program will serve on-site students, and adhere to the regular on-campus (not Ecampus) tuition structure. It is anticipated that each new hybrid section will replace an existing fully classroom-based section and be offered at least once a year.

Hybrid courses designed through this program must include both regularly scheduled, on-site classroom meetings and significant online components that replace at least 40% of regularly scheduled class meeting time. For example, hybrid delivery of a 3-credit course that normally meets for two 80-min. periods each week might involve meeting on campus for one 80-min. period weekly, blended with online learning activities requiring student engagement equivalent to a second classroom meeting. Online portions of the hybrid course will be delivered through Canvas. The syllabus and online components of the hybrid course will meet hybrid program course quality standards.

Proposal Guidelines: Submit a narrative proposal of 2 to 3 pages, including these items in the following order:

  1. Course designator, title and credits. Instructor’s contact information and rank.
  2. Degree, program(s), or certificate to which this course applies and the role and importance of this course to the program(s); and/or description of audience or express need for this course. Bacc Core category of the course, if any.
  3. Current enrollment in each section of the course, and total number of sections offered per year. Is the course currently taught online as well?
  4. Proposed first term and frequency to be taught as a hybrid course.
  5. Instructor’s experience with learning management systems (e.g., Blackboard, Canvas) and online technologies. Instructors without online teaching experience are particularly encouraged to apply.
  6. Instructor’s rationale for converting the course to hybrid delivery, and explanation of why instructor is interested in hybrid program participation.
  7. One paragraph of preliminary ideas for course design, learning materials and online resources upon which the course will be based.
  8. Current course syllabus (as attachment).
  9. Statement of academic unit support for hybrid course development and ongoing offerings of hybrid course. This supporting message can be sent by separate email from head of academic unit.

Submission of Proposals: Please address questions and submit proposals for the hybrid course development pilot program by Jan. 10, 2017, by email to cub.kahn@oregonstate.edu. The Hybrid Initiative webpage (http://ctl.oregonstate.edu/hybrid-learning) has many resources for faculty interested in hybrid teaching and learning.

Announcement of Award: Decisions will be announced by Jan. 31, 2017. Upon acceptance, instructor, academic unit and CTL will sign a hybrid program MOU. After satisfactory completion of hybrid course development and all program requirements, funds will be transferred to the academic unit.








About Cub Kahn

I coordinate the Hybrid Initiative for OSU Extended Campus.
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