Hybrid class and engagement in the community

Students in my class are matched to a community organization with whom they develop an evaluation plan. I tell my students there’s no right answer. In this class, you don’t turn to the back of the textbook to find the correct response. Instead, I share with them lots of resources and examples to give them good ideas. I like not being the “sage on the stage” and I like to have students surprise me with their creative and critically-thoughtful evaluation ideas.

But what worries me about online learning is how do I provide all these resources without just being a series of pdfs and links on a webpage? How do I provide these materials that engage the students? I’d like to improve my technology skills. I’ve seen other faculty that make “videos” of them using online resources – you seen them navigate the website and hear their voice explaining what they are doing. I think that these types of techniques would be beneficial to my course. I could show students how to review the CDC evaluation materials or perform a literature search on PubMed, etc.

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