My Hybrid Course: Geography of Asia

The course I will be delivering in a hybrid format is Geography of Asia: Geo 327. The course is offered approximately twice a year. Enrollment is typically between 60-75 students and usually attracts sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I currently teach both offerings of the course which are delivered in F2F and Online formats. I am certain that being a regular user of Blackboard and online teaching, is certainly an advantage when designing a hybrid course. However, my challenge lies in that I am concurrently re-envisioning the course content as I develop the hybrid format. My course is scheduled to meet for an hour and twenty minutes on Thursday morning.

Online Components

  • I am designing assignments that encourage the students to think spatially using web mapping tools available via ArcGIS. I intend to have the students work on these assignments in teams using Discussion Boards and Wikis to discuss and collaborate with one another.
  • Students will work in teams to do the assigned readings, collaborate via Wikis and prepare a 20 minute presentation which they will lead in class the following week. Every team will get an opportunity to present a topic of their choice related to the region of Asia that is being covered in readings and in lecture.

F2F Components

  • I will present a short 20-30 minute lecture on the assigned chapter readings
  • Students will then present their Wiki collaborations and 20 minute presentation
  • Discussion time will be reserved for the lecture material and student presentations

This is a very rough idea/outline of what I intend to do with the hybrid delivery, but I will get there, it might take a summer, but I will make it happen

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2 Responses to My Hybrid Course: Geography of Asia

  1. Cub Kahn says:

    Geography of Asia lends itself well to the hybrid approach you’ve described. I’m particularly interested in the potential for team interaction using wikis and discussions on the web mapping activities. I’ll stay tuned!

  2. Seth Alberty says:

    Sounds like a cool course – especially using the ArcGIS tools to supplement the specific material. A great way to better understand Asia’s geography.

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