WS 482/582 Global Perspectives on Women’s Health

In this course women’s health issues are examined from a global perspective in the context of a woman’s life and through a feminist political lens. Central to our discussions will be an analysis of the interplay among race, class, and gender in shaping particular health care outcomes. The course stresses the potential for women’s agency and autonomy with respect to improving their health and environments.
Although the course has many learning outcomes the two most important ones are for the students to be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the impact gender inequity has on health and examine health issues affecting women globally, in terms of their cultural and social contexts, not as a rationale for practices but as a basis for understanding.
In redesigning this course for hybrid delivery approximately 50% of the course will take place in a traditional face-to-face classroom and 50% will be delivered via Blackboard. Within the course Blackboard site students will access the learning materials and syllabus, receive lectures, discuss issues, submit assignments; email other students and the instructor; participate in online activities including small groups; and display your final projects.We will meet in the class room at the start of the week to discuss the upcoming activities or to review concepts. We will also schedule guest speakers, participate in library workshops and engage in small group activities.
I’m hoping this hybrid format of learning will combine both the efficiency and accessibility of online learning with the value of peer /peer and peer/ instructor interactions .

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