EXSS 444 Redesign

EXSS 444 Adapted Physical Activity is part of the Exercise & Sport Science (EXSS) Program Undergraduate curriculum. The course provides an overview of cognitive, neuromuscular, sensory and orthopedic impairments as well as information on best practices for the design and implementation of physical activity programs for individuals with disabilities.

One section of EXSS 444 is offered every term, including the summer. Enrollment is typically between 40-45 students (higher enrollment in the Fall and Winter terms, lower in Spring and Summer) and largely consists of seniors.

Our redesign will include offering the course once a week (instead of twice) with the remaining class being offered online.

I’ve inserted a link to the course mix-map so you can visualize the proposed set-up. hybrid-mix-map 444

Basically – the majority of the content will be presented online with guest speakers, small group discussions, and practical activities taking place during the f2f meetings. All assessments (quizzes, tests) will be completed online and assignments will be submitted electronically through Bb and graded with interactive rubrics.

Each weekly online module will include content and 3 integrated discussion boards so students will have an opportunity to interact in small groups (6-7 students) on a specific topic after reviewing a case study, watching a video, etc. In addition to the modules students will have access to an audio podcast (placed on iTunes U) to review the material in a different format which are accompanied with traditional PPT notes. Our goal is to present students who have different learning styles with ways to successfully engage in the material.

I’m working on the re-design with two colleagues so JK and Megan – please include information on things I may have missed.



This entry was posted in Hybrid Course Content, Hybrid Course Delivery, Hybrid Course Design, Integrating Online & On-Campus Learning. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to EXSS 444 Redesign

  1. rolstoni says:

    My thoughts are similar to yours, Simon, in using the classroom F2F time for activities, films, guest speakers and discussion, rather than for lectures. I need to whittle my lecture PP down and add audio before uploading them online. Your course design and mix-map looks good and makes a lot of sense. Having content in a variety of formats is great to reach all students, but does entail a lot of upfront work to create those materials. Do you get any staff support from your unit?

  2. Simon Driver says:

    Thanks for the feedback – no i didn’t get any staff support for creating the podcasts etc BUT I did use my graduate students to help with different tasks (e.g., test building, discussion board creation with imbedded videos, developing rubrics, etc) – helped me and provided them with good experience working with Bb.

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