Mechanics of Materials – Hybrid


Mechanics of materials, ENGR-213, is about how materials respond when forces are applied.   How much load can the rods holding up the stairs in Owen Hall actually support?   What diameter shaft is needed to transfer power from a 12,000 Hp turbine to the propeller in a large ship?  How big a beam is needed for a bridge rated for a load of 30,000 lb?   The challenge is to have students learn to apply the concepts to any situation, not just problems that are like the examples in the book.


Traditionally this class has been pure lecture with homework assigned and evaluation primarily based on  exams.  Because the concepts taught are fairly straightforward, the approach to be used in this hybrid course is to present those concepts using on-line lectures and to use the in-class time to expand the students’ ability to apply those concepts to different situations.


An example from the first week might be the concept of axial stress.  After watching the on-line lecture, the students would be assigned to measure the diameter of the rods that support the stairs in Owen Hall.  When they come to class we would then use those rods as the basis for calculating load carrying ability, estimating factor of safety, and by looking at some pictures of how the rods are connected, lead into the next topic – shear stress.   Most of this in-class work would be done in small groups and directed with the help of TA’s.


Because experience has shown that very, very few students can master this material without practicing it, homework will be assigned from the text and additional homework exercises drawn from real examples in the local area will be provided during the in-class time.  Assessment will be based on homework and exams.


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