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  February 28th, 2010

For my financial analysis I used tools such as an online calculator that helped me estimate my spending and income. This also helped me to estimate how much I earn not only in a month but in a year. I really enjoyed this project because I am still a full time student and don’t have an income of my own. My income is solely from my parents still so I do not pay attention to how much I spend on a monthly or yearly basis. 

Sadly, doing this project made me realize that my dream of owning my own coffee shop is going to be more of a dream than a reality for many years for me. I don’t know if I ever will be able to have the courage or the money to actually open my own business. It was nice though to compare the lowest amount I would have to spend to the highest. It showed me that if I ever do open this business up I will have to be very frugal and smart about where I spend my money.

For my future financial analysis’s I will have more of an income and more responsibilities. With that, I will have to use more financial tools to calculate my spending and income.