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  February 11th, 2010

From researching Mary Anderson and some other women and men of her time I have come to the conclusion that life was much different in the early 1900’s than it is over a century later. It is strange for me to think that my grandparents were born in the early 1900’s and have lived through all these amazing inventions and experienced them all first hand. I feel like everything is taken for granted in our time now. My niece has her own Ipod and she is just 8 years old, my nephew has his own TV in his bedroom, he is only 7 years old! It is strange to think that my grandparents and their peers did not have any of this. It was unheard of to have more than one TV in a household even in the late 80’s let alone having a child have their own. I wonder what life was like in the year 1903 when Mary Anderson invented this amazing windshield wiper. I always say how cool it would be to be able to go back into different years and just experience everything that they have. Life would be so much harder and I would have to fight for so much more as a women than I do now. I am a person that likes to be treated equal (just like most people would feel) and living in the early 1900’s would be so hard for a women like myself.

1950 TV

1950 TV

2010 TV

2010 TV