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Peanut butter – recall  February 6th, 2009

Want to be really scared by how far the peanut product recall has gone? Check out!

Raffles  February 2nd, 2009

If you’re holding a raffle, make sure to complete the paperwork (document located on the web site) including your starting and ending ticket number. After the raffle has been completed submit the form back to Shelly. It is important that this information is tracked so that the University can comply with state regulations.

Worried about recalled food?  January 23rd, 2009

This is a message that I received from one of our coordinators on campus. If you have questions about the peanut butter recall, she offers some good points and resources to be aware of.

Please be aware that there is currently a list of recalled food items that contain peanut butter or peanut butter paste. Visit this website and really look through the different links. These food items contain Salmonella and is a brutal process to overcome (I know, I’ve had it). A very short explanation of tainted food items are any food item that contains peanut butter that would have been manufactured industrially, ie., LARGE quantity. So, all of those little orange, square crackers filled with peanut butter (Austin is the brand), DON’T EAT THEM. Also, Little Debbie peanut butter crackers, cookies. Some NutriSystem products, the list is just huge, I can’t possibly hit all of them in an email. Crackers and cookies seem to be the main offenders.

So while you’re shopping for food drive items, please keep these brands in mind. Charity isn’t as fulfilling if the recipient ends up with their head in the toilet. 🙂

Thanks for checking out these lists and be very careful what you’re eating out there. Keep in mind, especially for Freshman, you ARE eating at institutional type restaurants (dorm food), every meal of the day. Unless you can VERIFY the source of your peanut butter, I would steer clear.

Cash – what to do with all that coin?  January 23rd, 2009

The cashiers office DOES have a change sorter so you can save yourself a trip to the bank! They only sort change in the afternoon, though, so please plan accordingly.

Thanks everyone who joined for the social on January 20. It was great to see so many folks ready to rally the troops to support our local Food Share.

News for January 12  January 12th, 2009

Jamba Juice, located at 2001 NW Monroe Avenue, is offering 20% of procedes in the month of February that can go to the Linn Benton Food Share! All you have to do is mention the Food Drive or the Food Share when making a purchase and their cash register system will ear mark 20% to be given at the end of the month. But you have to tell them that you want this to happen! Thanks Jamba Juice for helping to Feed the Need!

Coordinators: Jamba Juice is also offering colorful boxes for food collection. If you would like to use one or more of their boxes, please visit the store and ask for the manager (Ben).

Have you collected food at your event and want to get it in the hands of the needy as soon as possible? OSU Motor Pool is offering a food collection location for the entire month of February. That’s right, just pull under their awning (located at 3200 Campus Way) between 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday – Friday, and they will even unload it for you! Weigh in and receipts are available. *Regular Campus Freight pickups will still be available during the second half of the drive.* Thanks Justin for offering this convenient option for food raisers to empty their trunk!

Update – cash  January 6th, 2009

We are very excited to welcome the Cashiers Office to our food drive efforts. Why? Because they will be collecting all the cash donations! We’ll have a new donations ledger posted shortly that will include the details that are listed on your “Quick Reference” sheet for the exact procedure and location for taking your deposit. Payroll forms still come to University Events for tracking, and we’ll end up with the ledger, it’s just that the Cashiers Office will handle the bucks! (Thanks again cashiers crew!)

Governor’s Challenge – update  December 22nd, 2008

You should be receiving your packet soon, if you haven’t already.  I’ve only heard of one change and that is that the Governor’s Challenge is for $144 this year.  (Please note that this is an increase from last year’s $120 challenge.)

Don’t forget to submit your ideas in regard to a location for the social gathering on January 20 (not required, it’s just for fun.)  Kate and I look forward to hearing what your favorite spots are!

Getting ready for the Drive  December 5th, 2008

Kate and I have been preparing for the 2009 Food Drive and we have some “green” changes in mind.

First, the packets will be sent out sooner, but they will be smaller too!  Many general information documents are available on-line, and many of you have read them before, so your packets this year will be the new stuff and the important details only.  Isn’t it great to save-a-tree?

Second, we all know that meetings can eat up a lot of our time, and in the past the kickoff has been most useful for getting your packet.  So this year we will send you your packet early and eliminate the kickoff meeting.  But wait!  I like the time to put faces with names, so we aren’t skipping the social part totally… here’s my thought:  How about those of us who are interested, gathering together on Tuesday, January 20 after work to enjoy each other’s company?

One last thing that we have in the works:  We are re-designing the payroll deduction forms.  You all know that this is the easiest way to raise money and so we’ll have a flashy little flier that will be easy to have available for all sorts of occasions.

It’s time for me to get busy updating the Web site!

The latest on Hunger in Oregon  November 18th, 2008

Oregon #3 in nation

for high percentage of hungry citizens

Report shows Oregon again at risk of becoming hungriest state

Report available at

Portland, OR – Nov. 18, 2008 – Oregon had 12.4 percent of its population (458,000 people) living in households that struggled with hunger or were “food insecure” during the 2005-2007 period, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) recently released annual report. Food insecurity is the USDA term given to describe households that struggle with affording enough food. Nationally, more than 36.2 million people lived in households that were food insecure in 2007 – up from 35.5 million in 2006 and 33.2 million in 2000.

“We were expecting to see an increase in food insecurity because wages have not kept up with the cost of basic items such as food, shelter and utilities,” said Patti Whitney-Wise, executive director of the Oregon Hunger Task Force. “We have seen a rapid rise in food stamp applications, more than 50,000 new people over the past year, bringing the total to nearly 500,000 Oregonians. And requests for food boxes are higher than ever. What worries us most is that this report covers information from a year ago. Everything we are seeing in Oregon tells us that a new survey taken today would undoubtedly show considerably higher numbers of food insecure people.”

Oregon worked hard to impact hunger over the past 8 years, when it was dubbed the “Hungriest State in the Nation” in 2000. The Task Force and other anti-hunger advocates joined forces and worked closely with the Governor to bring attention to the issue and created the Act to End Hunger, a 5-year plan to reduce hunger in Oregon. And it was successful: 26 of the 40 actions were accomplished. In 2005, Oregon dropped from #1 to #17, a statistically significant improvement. However, rising joblessness, falling wages, and rapidly rising food and fuel costs have meant that more and more families are stretched to the limit and beyond.

“Oregonians are going to need help. Oregon’s unemployment rate is 7.3 percent, and people are competing for scarcer jobs.” said Whitney-Wise. “To get us through this crisis we need to preserve safety net services, on both the state and federal level. With help, families can rebound   more quickly and will be less vulnerable to the ravages of poverty. Without help, families become homeless, children go hungry, the elderly get sick, and our communities languish.”

The Task Force has asked the Governor to prioritize human services in his 2009-11 budget. The Task Force has also joined the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) in calling for Congress to pass an economic recovery package that first and foremost includes an extension to unemployment insurance and a boost in SNAP/Food Stamps benefits (SNAP is the acronym for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the new national name for the Food Stamp Program). During his campaign, President-elect Barack Obama committed to end childhood hunger in this country by 2015. The Task Force has joined FRAC in pledging to work with the new Administration, the 111th Congress, and state and local officials to put this plan into motion. “People with the lowest incomes face the most serious threats. We must not fail to invest in rebuilding our economy while also preventing hunger and poverty,” said Whitney-Wise.

Each year, the Census Bureau measures food insecurity through a series of household survey questions about the ability to obtain enough food for an active, healthy life for all members. To report food insecurity in each state, USDA uses three-year averages to compensate for limited sample sizes and give a better estimate of the number of households experiencing hunger.

Upcoming Events:

These findings, along with two other reports that detail the extent and impact of hunger across the nation, will be discussed at “Hunger in America: An Agenda for the New President and Congress,” a policy briefing hosted by the Food Research and Action Center this Wednesday, November 19, from 9:30 to 10:30 EST, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. For event details, click here. A call-in number is available: 1-800-905-9496

The mission of the Oregon Hunger Task Force is to end hunger in Oregon.  Since its creation by the Oregon Legislature in 1989, the Task Force has worked to ensure that Oregonians have sufficient financial means and ready access to an adequate amount of nutritious, quality food. For more information or to obtain a copy of the update visit our website at

Thanksgiving  November 13th, 2008

In a few weeks many in our country will be sitting down with family, around a table loaded with traditional dishes such as roasted turkey and cranberry sauce.  But as we all know, many in our country won’t be.  My family can’t travel to visit and I need to stay in town for the game on Saturday.

So that sparked my mind to wandering… where could I help?  Below are a list of area feasts that may be looking for a hand to make them happen.  If you’re interested please contact the facility directly to see if they need volunteers.

Corvallis – Sr. Mary’s Stone Soup; 501 NW 25th  Thursday, November 27 at 5:30  757-1988

Philomath – Neighbor to Neighbor Unived Methodist Church 1123 Main St. Tuesday, November 25 at 5:30 929-6614

Alsea – Alsea Christian Fellowship 18080 Alsea Hwy November 23 at 1:30 487-4442

Sweet Home – Manna (SHEM Soup Kitchen) Sweet Home United Methodist Church 6th and Ironwood November 27 at 1:00 367-6504

Lebanon – First Christian Church 170 E. Grant Street November 26 at 4:30 451-7667

Newport – American Legion 424 West Olive November 27 at noon

Albany – Helping Hands 619 SE 9th Street November 27 11:30 926-4036

Albany – St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen 728 S. Ellsworth November 26 at 5:00 926-8562