What To Do When Your Webpage Doesn’t Rank.


Hi everyone! welcome to my second post. Today, I am going to talk about Rank.

What is Rank? Generally, rank in SEO refers to a website’s position in the search engine results page. There are many factors that impact ranking such as URL structure, page load-time.


There are many possible factors that influence to this. I will list five of them.

1. The Content

The content is a crucial factor in order to be good webpage. However, sometimes author unintentionally put wrong content, and manage wrong content structure. There are many reasons that harm your content. For example,

  • Duplicate content
  • Insufficient content
  • Old, untouched, stale content
  • Confusing navigation
  • Split keyword focus, so there are multiple pages that could rank for a given word
  • Incomplete basics, such as metas, alt tags, and schema markup
  • No blog or other way to continually refresh your content
  • The length of the content

To fix it, most of them can be easily fixed by creating checklist. In addition, to start thickening up your content by expanding its length and level of detail. If your page has 500 words of unique content and your competitors all have 2,000 or more, expand your piece so that it beats all of them in length, detail and quality.

Improve your content by adding relevant subheadings with your primary and related keywords. Your website’s content needs to be high-quality, educational, insightful and personal. 

2. Too Competitive

Using the common keywords can make your competition has already done the same. When you’re targeting a competitive keyword market, you need to extend your SEO strategies further than using the most common search words and phrases in your content.

3. The site is not mobile-friendly

It is significant that your site is ready for mobile-friendly search results. If you still haven’t altered the design to make it suitable for mobile users, that negligence will affect its overall rankings.4.eLinks to suspicious websites

4. Links to suspicious websites

If you notice suspicious links you haven’t added, fix the damage and improve the security system of the site. It’s been hacked. You need to make sure to include high-quality links to your website.

5. Haven’t have a clear keyword strategy

Your keyword strategy has to be very clear. You shouldn’t pick random keywords without optimizing the page. They will look for them in the page title, page link, subheaders, image descriptions, and page description.

How do you know whether your webpage is going to have better ranking or not? — According to the Rand Fishkin, he describes a checklist for SEO. Here is his check list:

1. Crawlable, accessible URLs — can easily parse and index

2. Keyword research — choose word+phrase that intent to solve you problem

3. Investigate the SERP to find what Google believes to be relevant to the searcher

4. Have the most authoritative person create content that will serve the searcher’s goal

5. Publish compelling title tags and meta descriptions

6. Intelligently employ primary, secondary, and related keywords

7. Use rich snippets and schema markup to enhance content . — to enhance the visibility potential

8. Optimize for page speed

Work cited:

15 Reasons Google Doesn’t Rank Your Site (And How To Fix It). (2018, March 28). Retrieved from https://buildfire.com/reasons-google-doesnt-rank-site-and-fix-it/.

Eliason, A., Mary, S., Turalı, O., Eliason, A., Greenspan, S., Yooker, … Eliason, A. (2018, October 22). Why Isn’t My Website Ranking? Retrieved from https://www.seo.com/blog/why-isnt-my-website-ranking/.

Fishkin, R. (2019, July 31). How to Rank: The SEO Checklist. Retrieved from https://moz.com/blog/rank-in-2018-seo-checklist.

Sophie. (2019, March 6). Reasons Your Website Isn’t Ranking (And How To Improve Them). Retrieved from https://digitalmarketinginstitute.com/blog/18-04-16-reasons-your-website-isnt-ranking-and-how-to-improve-them.

5 Ways to Increase Landing Page Conversions

Hi there! This is my very first writing in my own blog. Honestly, I feel very excited.


Here is a list of landing-page essentials to improve your conversion.

1.Write fascinating headlines.

You need a main headline that fit enough to trigger the reader’s attention and briefly describe your proposition. It should be as brief as possible.

Here is some lists how to do.

  1. Leading with a key benefit — Not put too much hard selling messages.
  2. Making exclusive message. — One way to do this is to say that the message is only for a special group of people.
  3. Including “qualifier” — An inclusive qualifier makes all readers feel like they are part of a group, and the selling messages we provided are for them
  4. Breaking up long-form ads. — Many people skim through ads to decide whether they want to read it or not. If they interesting, then they will read it through from beginning. Thus, breaking up long headline to sub-headline will help visitor to understand what you provide them.

Note that, your landing pages should be the gateway to value. So that Headlines are the entrance of gateway to value.

2. Promise Value & More Information to Take an Action

Once you get a headline and sub heading, you need to be careful about your value proposition!

People are quick to make a first impression.

Elise Dopson

Lewis Kemp, CEO of Lightbulb Media, recommends to “resist the temptation to waste valuable real estate telling people who you are and what you do above the fold. Nobody cares.”

Instead, he says: “As soon as a prospect lands on the page you should be telling them how your product/service benefits their lives. Let them make the choice to scroll further to find out more about you as a business.”

Important: Make sure that the content does not distract the user from buying. It should also be easier enough for skimming and removing any flaws to conversions.

3. Test and Test

Every business should be experimenting on a regular basis.

 Test Your Forms

Forms should be:

  • Concise (put only what you need!).
  • Clear.
  • Easy to complete.
  • Functional.
  • Responsive by design.
  • Provide trust signals and support information.

Another, A/B and multivariate testing can answer all of those question marks you may have about your website and its visitors.

Want a deeper understanding of people? Testing is how you get this information.

Testing should be off page too – for example:

  • How many CTAs should a page have?
  • Where is best to position the main CTA button?
  • What size, color, and text work best at product and category level?

4. Add trust signs

88% of customers will check out reviews before making a final decision on a purchase–which is why these marketers recommend including trust signals to boost your landing page conversion rates.

Elise Dopson

Because of a huge number of unethical, illegal and untrustworthy in online business today, trust signs and symbols are essential. A trust symbol can be an image, an icon or a symbol.

For example

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ trust symbols

P.s. There are many more trust symbols to increase trust for in-site customer. For example, guarantees, testimonials, video demonstration and so on.

5. Be consistent!

This is a little concern, but surely worth improving for your conversions.

As your customers approach the purchasing decision, creative elements such as your tone, imagery and color scheme need to be consistent

Work cited:

Dopson, E. (2019, April 3). 16 Ways to Improve Your Landing Page Conversion Rates: Databox Blog. Retrieved from https://databox.com/improve-your-landing-page-conversion-rate. Barnhart, B. (2019, June 5). 8 ways to boost your social media conversion rate. Retrieved from https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-conversion/ Wilson, L. (2018, November 13). 10 Landing Page Tweaks That Will Increase Conversions. Retrieved from https://www.searchenginejournal.com/increase-landing-page-conversion-rate/274815/#close.