Current Faculty

Ed Brook
Ice cores, greenhouse gas records
Professor (G&G)
(541) 737-8197

Christo Buizert
Ice cores, greenhouse gas records
Assistant Professor (G&G)
(541) 737-1572

Peter Clark
Paleoclimatology, glacial geology, speleothems
Distinguished Professor of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (G&G)
(541) 737-1247

Jessica (JC) Creveling
Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic (ice-age) sea-level change; carbonate stratigraphy and sedimentology; chemostratigraphy
Assistant Professor (G&G)
(541) 737-2112

Brian Haley
Applying radiogenic isotope systems to questions of past ocean change, trace metal, paleo-proxy development and application, ocean acidification and future climate change, deep-time paleoclimatology
Assistant Professor / Senior Researcher (OEAS)
(541) 737-2649

Alan Mix
Ocean and continental paleoclimate, isotope geochemistry, speleothems
Distinguished Professor of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (OEAS)
(541) 737-5212

Andreas Schmittner
Global coupled ocean-atmosphere-biogeochemical models
Professor (OEAS)
(541) 737-9952

Joseph Stoner
Paleo- and environmental magnetism, geochronology, interactions between climate and the geomagnetic field
Associate Professor (G&G)
(541) 737-9002

Maureen (Mo) Walczak
Paleoceanography, paleoclimate, sedimentology, isotope geochemistry
Assistant Professor – Senior Research (G&G)
(541) 737-3037


Courtesy & Emeritus Faculty

Jay Alder
Climate Modeling
Courtesy Research Associate / Post Doc (USGS)
(541) 737-5629

Jorie Clark
Quaternary geology, paleoclimatology, archaeology
Courtesy Assistant Professor (G&G)
(541) 737-1575

Steve Hostetler
Regional and global atmospheric climate models, hydrology
Courtesy Research Scientist (USGS)
(541) 737-8928

Gary Klinkhammer
Trace metals as paleoproxies, plasma spectrometry, sediment and pore water geochemistry
Professor Emeritus (OEAS)
(541) 737-1429

Nicklas Pisias
Paleocenagraphic reconstruction, geostatistics
Professor Emeritus (G&G)

Fredrick Prahl
Development and application of organic geochemical tracers to study modern and past problems in aquatic ecology and sedimentology
Professor Emeritus (OEAS)
(541) 737-3969


Current Post Docs

James (Andy) Menking
Research Associate / Post Doc (OEAS)



Current Graduate Students

Heather Bervid
PhD Student (Meigs)

Jianghui Du
PhD Student (Mix and Haley)

Jon Edwards
PhD Student (Brook)

Anna Glüder
PhD Student (Mix)

Cedric Hagen
PhD Student (Creveling)

Ann Morey-Ross
PhD Student / Senior Faculty Research Assistant II (Meigs)



April Abbott
Palaeoceanography and Marine Sedimentology
Lecturer (Macquarie University)

Jinho Ahn
Ice cores, paleoclimate
Professor (Seoul National University)

Faron Anslow
Climatology, the effects of the Pacific Ocean on the climate of British Columbia
Lead: Climate Analysis and Monitoring (Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, University of Victoria)

Andrea Balbas
Cosmogenic nuclides, geochemistry, science education
AGEP Postdoctoral Scholar (California Institute of Technology)

Arron Barth
Glacial geology/geomorphology, stratigraphy, regional geology, cosmogenic surface exposure dating
Postdoctoral Research Associate (University of Wisconsin: Madison)

Thomas Bauska
CO2 concentrations in ice cores, cosmogenic dating, statistical modeling
Research Assistant (University of Cambridge)

Heather Benway
Carbon and climate change science, environmental geochemistry, science communication
Research Specialist (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)

Ken Bevis
Glacial geology and soils
Professor (Hanover College)

Nicholas Bill
Glacial geology, ice-climate interactions
Postdoctoral Researcher (University of Iceland)

Vasile (Lica) Ersek
Paleoclimatology, Paleoceanography, Geochemistry
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow (University of Oxford)

Alexei Grachev
Paleoclimatology, environmental chemistry, reconstruction of the processes in the environment using ice cores and tree rings
Senior Research Scientist (Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences)

Robert Hatfield
Paleomagnetism and paleoclimate

Sara Harris
Paleoceanography, science education, climate science education
Professor (University of British Columbia)

Jeremy Hoffman
Paleoclimatology, climate science communication
Climate & Earth Science Specialist (Science Museum of Virginia)

Kaleb Horlick
Paleoclimate model assimilation

Jon Hornung
Science education
Science/Link Teacher (Siuslaw High School, Florence, Oregon)

John Jensen
Hydrology of the pseudo-karst aquifers, the potential influence of saturated subglacial till on ice-sheet behavior
Professor (Water and Environmental Research Institute of the Western Pacific, University of Guam)

James Lee
Paleoclimate and ice core research

David Leydet
Glacial geology, paleoclimatology, quaternary chronology
Instructor (United States Military Academy: West Point)

Joe Licciardi
Glacial geology, geomorphology, paleoclimatology, volcanology, geochronology, and mechanisms of climate change
Professor (University of New Hampshire)

Cristina Lopes
Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography
Research Scientist (LNEG, Lisbon, Portugal)

David Lund
Paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, and biogeochemical cycles
Associate Professor (University of Connecticut)

Shaun Marcott
CO2 concentrations in ice cores, Cosmogenic dating, Statistical Modeling
Assistant Professor (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Logan Mitchell
High temporal resolution Holocene ice core record of methane
Post Doc (University of Utah)

Juan Muglia
Paleoclimate and climate modeling

Jesse Muratli
Trace metal and pore water geochemistry
Senior Faculty Research Assistant I (CEOAS, OSU)

Joseph Ortiz
Paleoclimatology, micropaleontology, isotope geochemistry
Professor (Kent State University)

Summer Praetorius
High-latitude deglaciation. Isotope geochemistry, sedimentology

Brendan Reilly
Paleomagnetism, paleoclimate, stratigraphy

Rachel Rhodes
paleoclimate, biogeochemical cycling, trace gas and chemical signals in polar ice
Research Associate & Marie Curie Individual Fellow (University of Cambridge)

Vincent Rinterknecht
Surface exposure dating, deglaciation pattern of a major ice sheet, ice-climate interactions
Lecturer (University of St. Andrews)

Julia Rosen
N2O in ice cores
Science Journalist

Martin Roy
Glacial geology, quaternary stratigraphy, paleoclimatology
Professor (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Hinrich Schaefer
Ice cores, paleoclimate, atmospheric chemistry
Atmospheric Scientist (NIWA, New Zealand)

Sarah Strano
Paleo- and environmental magnetism and Holocene paleoclimate

Jeremy Shakun
Paleoclimatology and paleaoceanography
Assisant Professor (Boston College)

Christopher Somes
Biogeochemical modeling
PhD Student (GEOMAR)

Gaylen Sinclair
Paleoclimate and cosmogenic dating

David Ullman
Climate sensitivity, ice sheet surface mass balance, deglacial chronology, surface exposure dating, paleoclimate model intercomparison
Assistant Professor (Northland College)

James Watkins
Zooplankton, invasive species, benthic community structure
Research Associate (Cornell University)

Matthew Wolhowe
Chemical oceanography
Research Associate (University of Washington)