Alumni (by graduation date):


James Menking (Andy) (PhD, Advisor: Brook)
Ice core stratigraphy, N2O and CO2 reconstructions
Postdoctoral Research Associate (Oregon State University)

Jianghui Du (JD) (PhD, Advisor: Mix, Haley)
Paleoceanography, neodymium isotopes
Postdoctoral Research Associate (Oregon State University)


Brendan Reilly (PhD, Advisor: Stoner)
Sediment stratigraphy, paleomagnetism
Postdoctoral Research Associate (Oregon State University)

Juan Muglia (PhD, Advisor: Schmittner)
Paleoclimate modeling
Postdoctoral Research Associate (Oregon State University)

James Lee (PhD, Advisor: Brook)
Ice Cores
Los Alamos National Lab


Aaron Barth (PhD, Advisor: Clark)
Glacial geology/geomorphology, stratigraphy, regional geology, cosmogenic surface exposure dating
Postdoctoral Research Associate (University of Wisconsin: Madison)

Nicholas Bill (PhD, Advisor: Clark)
Glacial geology, ice-climate interactions
Postdoctoral Researcher (University of Iceland)

Jeremy Hoffman (PhD, Advisor: Clark)
Paleoclimatology, climate science communication
Climate & Earth Science Specialist (Science Museum of Virginia)

David Leydet (MS, Advisor: Carson)
Glacial geology, paleoclimatology, quaternary chronology
Instructor (United States Military Academy: West Point)

Andrea Balbas (PhD, Advisor: Clark)
Cosmogenic nuclides, geochemistry, science education
AGEP Postdoctoral Scholar (California Institute of Technology)


April Abbott (PhD, Advisor: McManus and Haley)
Palaeoceanography and Marine Sedimentology
Lecturer (Acquire University)


Summer Praetorius (PhD, Advisor: Mix)
High-latitude deglaciation. Isotope geochemistry, sedimentology

Sarah Strano (Advisor: Stoner)
Paleo- and environmental magnetism and Holocene paleoclimate

Matthew Wolhowe (PhD, Advisor: Mix and Prahl)
Chemical oceanography
Research Associate (University of Washington)


Thomas Bauska (PhD, Advisor: Brook and Mix)
CO2 concentrations in ice cores, cosmogenic dating, statistical modeling
Research Assistant (University of Cambridge)


Maureen Walczak (PhD, Adivisor: Mix and Stoner)
Paleoclimate, Paleoventilation, and Paleomagnetism as Recorded in a 17kyr Marine Sediment Record from the SE Alaska Margin
Postdoctoral Research Associate (Oregon State University)

Shaun Marcott (PhD, Advisor: Clark and Hostetler)
CO2 concentrations in ice cores, Cosmogenic dating, Statistical Modeling
Assistant Professor (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Jeremy Shakun (PhD, Advisor: Clark)
Paleoclimatology and paleaoceanography
Assisant Professor (Boston College)


Jesse Muratli (MS, Advisor: Mix and McManus)
Trace metal and pore water geochemistry
Senior Faculty Research Assistant I (CEOAS, OSU)

Christopher Somes (MS, Advisor: Schmittner)
Biogeochemical modeling
PhD Student (GEOMAR)


Faron Anslow (Advisor: Clark and Hostetler)
Climatology, the effects of the Pacific Ocean on the climate of British Columbia
Lead: Climate Analysis and Monitoring (Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, University of Victoria)

Vasilis Ersek (PhD, Advisor: Mix)


Anders Carlson (PhD, Advisor: Clark)

Cristina Lopes (PhD, Advisor: Mix)
Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography
Research Scientist (LNEG, Lisbon, Portugal)


Heather Benway (PhD, Advisor: Mix)
Carbon and climate change science, environmental geochemistry, science communication
Research Specialist (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)


Vincent Rinterknecht (Advisor: Clark)
Surface exposure dating, deglaciation pattern of a major ice sheet, ice-climate interactions
Lecturer (University of St. Andrews)

Ann Morey Ross (MS, Advisor: Mix)

PhD students and Senior Faculty Research assistant (Oregon State University)

Brian Haley (PhD, Advisor: Klinkhammer and Mix)
Rare Earth Element proxy for paleoceanographic studies
Associate Professor (Oregon State University)


Joe Licciardi (Advisor: Clark)
Glacial geology, geomorphology, paleoclimatology, volcanology, geochronology, and mechanisms of climate change
Professor (University of New Hampshire)


David Lund (MS, Advisor: Mix)

Associate Professor (University of Connecticut)


Joseph Ortiz (PhD, Advisor: Mix)

Professor (Kent State University)

Jim Watkins (Advisor: Mix)
Zooplankton, invasive species, benthic community structure
Research Associate (Cornell University)


Rainer Zahn (Postdoc, Advisor: Mix)

Research Professor (ICREA, Spain)


Vasile (Lica) Ersek (Advisor: Clark)
Paleoclimatology, Paleoceanography, Geochemistry
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow (University of Oxford)

Alexei Grachev (Advisor: Brook)
Paleoclimatology, environmental chemistry, reconstruction of the processes in the environment using ice cores and tree rings
Senior Research Scientist (Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences)

Jon Hornung (Advisor: Brook)
Science education
Science/Link Teacher (Siuslaw High School, Florence, Oregon)

Logan Mitchell (Advisor: Brook)
High temporal resolution Holocene ice core record of methane
Post Doc (University of Utah)

Julia Rosen (Advisor: Brook)
N2O in ice cores
Science Journalist

Martin Roy (Advisor: Clark)
Glacial geology, quaternary stratigraphy, paleoclimatology
Professor (Université du Québec à Montréal)

Hinrich Schaefer (Advisor: Brook)
Ice cores, paleoclimate, atmospheric chemistry
Atmospheric Scientist (NIWA, New Zealand)