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Category Archives: Center for Teaching and Learning
Start Strong: Tips for an Effective First Day of Class
The first day of class sets the tone for the rest of the semester (Lang, 2019; Saucier 2019). Also, the first day of class comes with some nervousness, “first-day jitters,” even for experienced university teachers. There are several instructional tips … Continue reading
Join us in creating a culture of teaching excellence- OSU’s CTL
Dear OSU Campus Community, Greetings from your Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). Housed on the top floor of LInC, our goal is to create and sustain a culture of teaching excellence, and position OSU at the forefront of educational innovation. Informed by … Continue reading
See You at the Faculty Success Symposium on Sep. 19 and 20
This popular annual event is a great opportunity for faculty, staff and graduate students to come together and learn about academic technology, services and tools to support teaching and learning, and upcoming faculty development programming. Presenters on Friday include CTL’s … Continue reading
Strong Teaching Skills Can Be built from Graduate School Onwards
Whereas most college and university faculty and staff teach together with doing research, not many Ph.D. training programs nationwide provide teacher training in graduate school. This week, Oregon State graduate students got a chance to learn about all the Center … Continue reading
“It’s In the Syllabus”: Tips to Write a Robust Document for Your Class
“Is the final cumulative? How many exams are there? Is attendance required? What book do I have to buy?” It is somewhat irking when students ask a question about the class which you have already answered in your syllabus. Many … Continue reading
We Salute the 2019 OSU Teaching Award Recipients
University faculty and staff are called on to do many things. Balancing research, teaching, and service can be demanding. Doing any one of these well while also giving the other elements attention can be a challenge indeed. It is particularly … Continue reading
Deadline for New2OSU Registration is Quickly Approaching!
The Center for Teaching and Learning offers teachers the opportunity to earn a Certificate in University Teaching. New2OSU is focused on impacting student success by accelerating the effectiveness of newer teachers. Completion of the program may be used as evidence … Continue reading
CTL at University Day 2019
The 2019 University Day Expo provided a showcase of the many resources available to Faculty and Staff and OSU. The Center for Teaching and Learning was a visible participant and the booth provided a great opportunity to share what is … Continue reading
Gurung named interim executive director of CTL
Regan A. R. Gurung has been appointed as interim executive director for the Center for Teaching and Learning at Oregon State University, effective Aug. 26. The appointment was announced by Alix Gitelman, vice provost for undergraduate education. Gurung, who joined … Continue reading
Are Visual Learners Disadvantaged in Classrooms? More on Learning Style Myths
“I am a very visual learner so I do not learn well in classes with a lot of lecture.” After having taught for over 25 years I hear variations of that comment a lot. In conversations with students I have … Continue reading