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Author Archives: Stevon Roberts
Ed Tech on the Edge: Demo and Dialogue
Outside of conferences like Educause, or trade expos like CES, instructors don’t have many dedicated opportunities to interact with different technologies designed for (or leveraged by) educators. OSU’s Center for Teaching and Learning sought to remedy that in its first-ever … Continue reading
Designing the Future of Education: Convergent Evolution?
As we look ahead to the future of higher education, we see some repeating trends in innovation, and not all of them are taking place online. Increasing class sizes are driving a number of innovations in class design, and one … Continue reading
Posted in Center for Teaching and Learning
Tagged active learning, classroom, CTL, learning community, MOOCs, social engagement
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Excellence in Media: Leading by Example
Last Thursday marked the first meeting of the Excellence in Media Professional Learning Community (PLC), a group of OSU instructors interested in delivering high-quality videos to students and peers. Today more than ever, faculty who want to delve into video … Continue reading
Tools for the MOOC
At the end of January, I started my first MOOC: E-Learning and Digital Cultures, offered by University of Edinburgh through Coursera. One of my goals early on was to compile a list of tools that I’ve used to organize and … Continue reading
The Case for Gamification – TAC.FM
In this recorded episode of TAC.FM, Stevon Roberts and Mark Dinsmore talk about ways in which educators are applying game mechanics and game theory in educational contexts. The discussion begins with Valve software’s physics-based puzzle game “Portal.” The newest release from … Continue reading
Posted in Center for Teaching and Learning
Tagged augmented reality, computer science, gamification, physics, TAC.FM
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