Flipped Learning

Have you heard about flipped learning, but you aren’t quite sure what it is or whether you want to try it?  Is there solid evidence that it fosters student success and engagement?

If you’re trying to answer these questions, check out A Review of Flipped Learning, a new report based on the growing body of literature on this practice.  The report was produced by the Flipped Learning Network, George Mason University, and Pearson’ Center for Educator Effectiveness.  The authors identify “four pillars of flipped learning” that are essential for this approach to be successful:

  1. Flexible environments, including learning spaces that can be rearranged
  2. A shift in learning culture toward a more learner-centered approach
  3. “Intentional content” to optimize the use of classroom time with strategies such as active learning
  4. Professional educators who are reflective, and willing to be more than the traditional “sage on the stage”

What do students say about flipped learning?

“The Flipped Learning and Democratic Education survey conducted by Tom Driscoll at Teachers College, Columbia University in 2012 was completed by 26 educators and 203 students from across the United States. Overall, close to 80% of students in flipped classrooms agreed that they have more constant and positive interactions with teachers and peers during class time; they said they have more access to course materials and instruction; are more able to work at their own pace; they can exercise more choice in how they demonstrate their learning; and they viewed learning as a more active process.”
Intrigued?  See the full report.

About Cub Kahn

I coordinate the Hybrid Initiative for OSU Extended Campus.
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