One of our greatest assets at Oregon State is our primary color. Beaver Orange is vibrant, distinct and provides a solid base for the larger color palette.
One of our greatest assets at Oregon State is our primary color. Beaver Orange is vibrant, distinct and provides a solid base for the larger color palette.
Use basic contact information and include assigned fonts and colors only. Kegan Awesome-Johnson, Supreme Ruler Oregon State University | University Marketing | 541-867-5309 Sample information you could include: Name Title Oregon State University College, school or department Phone number Physical address Try to keep your information as clean and neat as possible. Only insert what people […]
We have updated the offerings in the Email Template Box folder. The email header images have been updated with the accessible orange (#d73f09). Oregon State email headers must use the primary university logo. Either the horizontal or vertical logo can be used, and it can be placed on a color background or over an image. Do not […]