Building Self Esteem Builds Endorphins

Today’s Special: Endorphins

If you’ve taken sex ed or any health or athletic course, you probably recognize this word. Truth is, there’s a lot more behind the benefits of endorphins than a lot of people realize, and it can easily start by simply knowing your worth.

Scientifically, Endorphins aid as analgesics. Similar to a sedative, analgesics are what decrease your brain’s perception of pain. When your neurotransmitters respond to a situation triggered in your body, analgesics are then released. Those transmitters are then bound to the same endorphins that bind to pain medications, but instead of acting in such a way as morphine, these specific endorphins do not cause dependence or addiction.

The Relationship

When someone feels bad about themselves or doesn’t contain much self-worth, they start losing their grip on reality and become numb to new things, challenging situations, and even start to hide away. This then leads to depression and anxiety. This is where endorphins become useful. explains the benefits of endorphins against depression and anxiety, stating how a positive feeling will emerge in your brain once stimulated. This can help you fight against mental health disorders clouding your judgment and daily activities.

How do you get them

Many people think endorphins and relate them to sex or working out. Though those are true, remember working out can be swimming, boxing, walking, or roller skating. Endorphins are also triggered when you participate in something that makes you feel good. This could be painting, laughing, concerts, or a significant other. also explains how participating in things we enjoy and activating these endorphins are in many ways how we survive.

Having good self-esteem is beneficial in numerous ways. Scholars have even written topics on endorphins and the ways they boost our self-esteem. Keeping us from falling into the shadows, developing eating disorders, and forgetting the beauty of life, finding ways to stay active or stay positive will bring you more good than harm.

A Happy You is a Healthy You

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