What is Major, Minor, and Option coding about?

Registration for spring term began yesterday and some or many of you may be getting registration errors and you don’t know why.  Well, here’s the explanation:

Due to high demand in many of our College of Forestry courses, we have instituted Major, Minor, and Option Coding restrictions.  This means that if a course is required by your major then you’ll have access to the course first (or as your registration date and time arrives).  If it’s not required by your major, minor, or option but is one of several options to choose from you will have to wait until Phase II registration to add the course.  Note:  You must have a declared minor or option to be able to access these restricted classes and if the course if also required by other majors in the CoF then those students will have first dibs. 

What do I do about this?
Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do other than work with your advisor to plan out your courses several terms in advance.  If a high demand course is one of several options you can choose from, be flexible and consider those other choices.  This will maximize the speed and ease with which you progress through your program of study.  We do sympathize and realize this is not ideal but with lots of students and not so many seats available incertain courses we have few options to ensure that those who truly need certain courses to graduate get them in a timely manner.

If you have questions you can stop by the Student Services Office in Peavy 140 and speak with Clay Torset, head advisor or visit your academic advisor, or the head of your major’s home administrative department.


Are you looking for money for school for next academic year?   There are many, many scholarships out there just waiting for you to apply.  In fact, the Student Services Office in Peavy 140 has two scholarship applications sitting on our counter right now just waiting for someone to fill them out.  And we’ll get more and more applications as Spring rolls around.  Additionally, you may want to take a look at a compliation of various community-based scholarships opportunities that is available on our webpage.    Get out there, look around, do a Google search – there’s money to be had if you take the time and effort.  In fact, we’ve been contacted several times in the recent past  by scholarship administrators who tell us they haven’t had any (yes, ANY!) students apply for their scholarships.  Don’t let free money for school pass you by!

Change of Grading Basis

The deadline to change from A-F to S/U grading is coming up on Friday, February 24th.   Stop by the Student Services Office for a form and then please see your advisor to discuss changing your grading basis as there are only certain classes in which you can apply this grading option.   If you are permitted to S/U the course in question your advisor will sign the form and then you should take it to the Registrar’s Office in the Kerr Admin Building.  See below for more information.

What is S/U grading you ask?

S/U Grading

S/U stands for Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading.  The last day to change your grading status in a class from the standard A-F grading to S/U is February 24th.  If you want to do this, visit the Student Services Office and request a Change of Grading Basis form.  Fill it out and take it to your advisor for the required signature.  You CANNOT take a class for your major on the S/U system.  Also remember that if a Baccalaureate Core class is counted towards your major, that can’t be taken on an S/U basis either.  There is a university limit of 36 credits that can be taken  S/U.

P/N Grading

Contrary to popular belief, you CANNOT elect to take a class Pass/No Credit.  This class grading system is determined by the university for enrichment or skill-building courses such internships and FOR 353.  P/N classes do not affect your GPA.  If you are concerned about a class that you are may be doing poorly in, the following options will help to preserve your GPA.

SAF Student Chapter Job Fair

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Feburary 7th is the annual SAF Student Chapter Job Fair.  Don’t miss this opportunity to meet potential employers, network, sign up for interviews, and get your name out there.  The fun begins at 10:00 a.m. in all three knuckles of Richardson Hall. 

Here are a few tips for a successful job fair:
1) Smile
2) Speak clearly and properly (no “like”s, “you  know”s, or other slang)
2) Introduce yourself and shake hands
3) Dress professionally (leave your jeans and t-shirts at home for one day)
4) Have your resume ready to provide to all the booths you visit
5) Ask for a business card for each representative you talk with and follow up with them in a few weeks.
6) Ask about opportunities available now and in the future.
7) Don’t be shy.
8) Be prepared to interview as some employers may ask you for an impromptu informal/investigational interview the same day as the fair.


Tuesday, February 1 at 11:59 p.m. is the one and only dealine for 2012-13 College of Forestry scholarships application submissions!  Please visit the scholarship website for full details, instructions, and a link to the application.

Contact Kira at 541-737-3475 if you have questions.

Lone Rock Timber & Weyerhaeuser visit

Lone Rock Timber will be visiting the College of Forestry on January 26, 2012 at 5pm in Peavy room 272.  Please be sure to attend to learn about this company and their internship and seasonal employment opportunties for the upcoming summer!

Additionally, Weyerhaeuser will have a drop-in information session on January 26, 2012 from 10am to 3pm in RH 201Q.  Stop by with questions and resumes and learn what Weyerhaueser has to offer!

T-shirt design contest!

Traditionally, all incoming CoF students attending our new student welcome,
ANNUAL RING, receive a CoF t-shirt.  For the last two years, we’ve used the same t-shirt .  For 2012, we are soliciting designs from CoF students.  Submissions will be voted on by the CoF undergraduate student body.  The winning design will be announced at the May 31, 2012 Student Awards Ceremony.  The winner gets a free t-shirt and will be recognized at the ceremony.

Designs must be created using a computer-based design program (i.e. hand drawings or paintings cannot be accepted).  Designs are limited to 3 colors, must be related to forestry, natural resources and/or renewable materials.  All CoF undergraduates are eligible.  One design submission per student only!  Email your design to kira.hughes@oregonstate.edu.  Submissions due April 6, 2012 by 5pm.

Welcome to Winter Term!

Welcome back!  We hope you had a nice (and long) winter break!  Please be sure to check out Forestry’s job page for new position announcements that have posted over the break.  Now is a great time to start looking for summer work!


The SAF Student Chapter Job Fair is February 7th from 10am-3pm in the knuckles of Richardson Hall.  Plan to attend!  Visit Career Services ahead of time to finesse your resume and then bring copies of your resume to the event.  Dress appropriately for this professional occasion. 

Finally, remember that Forest Capital Partners and Lone Rock Timber will be visiting campus this month:

 Forest Capital Partners
January 17th
Peavy 104

Lone Rock Timber
January 26th
Peavy 272

Come prepared with your resume and remember to dress appropriately for a professional event.  Also, if you are interested in signing up for an interview with either or both of these companies please stop by Student Services in Peavy 140.  Forest Capital Partners has two positions open in Independence, OR, this summer and wish to receive resumes by January 17th to hr@forestcap.com so don’t delay!

Finals & Winter Break

Good luck on finals this week!  Study hard but get good sleep and eat healthfully too!  Winter term starts on January 9, 2012.  Here’s a brief listing of activities to watch for and participate in during Winter term:
January 17, Forest Capital Partners Information Night, 5pm, Peavy 104
January 26, Lone Rock Timber Information Night, 5pm, Peavy 272
February 1,  2012-12 scholarship applications due
February 7, SAF Student Chapter Job Fair

Enjoy the Winter holiday!

Employer Information Nights

Don’t wait until May to start your summer job search.  Start the search now!  And to give you a good running start Lone Rock Timber and Forest Capital Partners will be visiting the College of Forestry during Winter term.  Here’s the scoop:

January 17th
Peavy Hall room 104
Free Pizza!
Forest Capital Partners, LLC is a private forest landowner that acquires and manages working forests across the U.S. for long-term sustainability.  They are looking to hire forestry and natural resource and business professional and have employment opportunities in six states!  Come to their information session to learn more and perhaps even get signed up for an interview.

January 26th
Peavy Hall room 272
Free Pizza!
Lone Rock Timber is interviewing!  Sign up for an interview session in Peavy Hall room 140 – that’s the Student Services Office.  Interviews will be conducted
on January 27th (the day after their info session) so you’ll want to go to the information session prepared – looking professional and with a resume in hand!
Lone Rock Timber “manages and maintains 115,000 acres of timberland throughout southwestern Oregon. Lone Rock strives to maximize the productivity of every acre, capitalizing on the latest technology and techniques to utilize all resources available, while preserving and often even improving those resources valuable to all Oregonians, namely streams and other wildlife habitat.”