Commencement Procedures

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! We are happy to be able to celebrate your achievements with you and your guests.

Grad Night

is THIS Thursday, June 7th from 7:30-10 pm in CH2M Alumni Center. Grad Night is a FREE annual party for graduating OSU students*. Bring your OSU ID and enjoy music, casino games, refreshments and prizes at this fun-filled night. The first 500 attendees get a FREE pint glass!

Register by June 6. Bring a guest for $5. Guest must be with the graduating student to enter the event. Formal attire is encouraged.

The Forestry Commencement Dinner

is on Friday, June 15th from 5pm-8:30pm at the Forestry Club Cabin. RSVP is required. Email Jessica Fitzmorris for questions.  Please note that parking will be limited and carpooling is highly encouraged.

The Forestry Commencement Breakfast

is on Saturday, June 16th at 8am in the Hatfield Courtyard at Richardson Hall. Once breakfast is completed graduates will walk together to line-up for commencement. Do NOT forget your cap and gown!

Forestry Line-up Instructions

You must report to the line-up spot at 9AM. Below you can find that Forestry graduates will line-up at the south end of Strand Agricultural Hall. Make sure you locate the Marshal to give you a 3-by-5 card containing your name, position number and instructions for the ceremony. Oregon State has a long tradition of actually handing out YOUR diploma to you at commencement. If you are not in the correct spot for line-up you may not receive your diploma.

See the detailed directions below for further instructions. Further information regarding Commencement Parking and FAQs can  be found online here.

  1. Marshals will give you a 3-by-5 card containing your name, position number and instructions for the ceremony. Locate the marshal stationed at the sign for your college, under the alphabetical sign that corresponds to your last name.
  2. Once you have your 3-by-5 card, line up in numerical order. Please maintain your position so you will receive your own diploma.
  3. If you arrive too late to pick up your 3-by-5 card from the marshal, you must line up at the end of your college’s line. Late arriving students will receive blank diploma cases during the ceremony. You can pick up your diploma at the Registrar’s office or at the Registrar’s station to the rear of the stage in Reser Stadium after the ceremony.
  4. Line up procedures must be completed by 9:50 a.m.
  5. At 9:50 a.m. the Marshals will move the lines to the locations where the procession will start.
  6. Soon after 10 a.m., the procession will start on Jefferson Street in front of Kerr Adminstration Building. The sound of pipes and drums will be your indication of the start.
  7. The procession will march down the quad diagonally from northeast to southwest. That means the lines for the colleges must be off the path and on the grass to allow the procession to pass between them.
  8. All students should face the colors as they lead the procession through the candidate ranks. Men should remove their mortarboards.
  9. The procession will include – in order – the chief marshal, the colors, the president’s platform party, faculty, doctoral, master’s and professional candidates.
  10. When the procession has passed through the quad, the six columns of bachelor’s candidates will follow.
  11. Pay attention at this point to make sure your column does not take off without you. Always follow the person in front of you.
  12. The chief marshal will halt the procession outside Dixon Recreation Center for a few minutes to allow for any slack in the bachelor’s lines and to correct any problems. Your column may not have moved very far at this point.
  13. Each of the six bachelor’s candidate columns will enter Reser Stadium via the new ramp on the southwest corner of the stadium, near Valley Football Center. The ramp is steep, so watch your step. Candidates with mobility problems should contact the Registrar’s office ahead of time for special accommodations.
  14. Columns will line up six abreast behind the stage on the field. Once all students are in the stadium, the columns will proceed to the seating area.

Commencement Seating

The College of Forestry is seated in the back, closest to all of the guests.

Pass this information on to any of your guests that will be attending the ceremony.

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