The Puzzle of Motivation

College can be extremely difficult at times.  As college students, we may often find ourselves questioning why we are paying going to school, rather than making money by working right out of high school.  We sometimes become jealous of that cousin at Thanksgiving that is just watching Netflix while we are frantically studying for an exam the following week.  The every day difficulties of college life can sometimes drag us down to the point we ask ourselves, “What made me want to go to school?”  To answer that question, we have to understand what motivates us.

Motivation is different for everyone and people react differently to various incentives.  Because motivation can be so hard to define, sometimes it is even harder to find when we are going through difficult times. However, it is our internal motivation that drives us to be successful; it makes us get up every morning to go to class, study weeks in advance to ace our finals, and is the main reason we are in college in the first place.  Keeping that in mind, it is vital as college students that we don’t lose motivation and we strive to keep pushing forward to accomplish our goals.

Since it is midterm season, watch this Ted Talk on “The Puzzle of Motivation” to hopefully find a bit more of the motivation you need to score well on your exams.

Happy studying!

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