Have you tried Academic Coaching?

Academic coaching is a free resource on campus designed to help you achieve your goals. Academic coaches can help you identify and implement personal solutions to challenging issues or areas of performance. The goal of coaching is to help you reach your full potential and achieve optimal performance. Coaching is for students of all GPAs, majors, and interests. Schedule an appointment today!

Trained Academic Coaches can help you:

  • Create a time management system that works for you
  • Identify ways to motivate yourself
  • Create a plan for studying for upcoming exams
  • Identify study strategies that are more efficient
  • Set goals and create structure for meeting those goals

Appointments are available now! and can be made by:
1) Calling the office (541) 737-2272, or;
2) Stopping by the Academic Success Center, located in 102 Waldo Hall.

For more information, visit http://success.oregonstate.edu/academic-coaching

Academic Coaching

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