How do you best receive information?

Happy Week 10!
As fall term begins to wind down, it is a good time to look back and reflect on all that has happened in the past ten weeks. We in the Student Services Office are always reflecting on our events and programs of the past term, and we want to know how you, our target audience best receive information on all of the events and opportunities that are going on in the College of Forestry. The only way to find out is by hearing from YOU!

Here are some questions to consider:
• What is the best method for you to receive information?
• If you feel you receive too many emails about events and program, how else might we keep in touch with you?
• Do you notice the flyers hanging around Peavy and Richardson Halls, and plan to attend the events?
• If you don’t attend events and programs offered by the CoF, why not? How might we entice/encourage you to attend?
• Do you follow the Student Services Office on Twitter?
• Is the Fernhopper Newsletter where you get your information? If not, what other sources do you use?
We need your feedback! Please either comment below or send us an email at to let us know how we can best share information about all the great things that are happening in the College of Forestry.
Good luck on finals!

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