Professional Development 101

This week’s topic: Accountability

What does it mean to be accountable? In short, it means that you accept the responsibility of being liable, answerable, or obligated. There are many ways that one can be accountable:

As a student, one can show accountability by showing up to class each day – on time and prepared for the lecture, lab, or activity. Compel yourself to be present and engaged in class. Knowing that there are occasions in which life happens and despite valiant efforts one cannot make it to class, be accountable for the absence and inform professors of the situation. Take accountability a step further by proactively by asking what topics were covered during lecture, and visit office hours with special questions or to seek additional information or assistance. When assignments are due, turn them in on time. Don’t wait to study for an exam the night before, rather, study regularly, ask questions, seek assistance, accept one’s own role in learning process and don’t blame others for disappointments (learn from them!).

As an employee, one can be accountable by arriving to work on time, listening and following instructions, offering constructive criticism with asked, and by being a contributing member to teams or groups. Be sure to take notes so you don’t forget what you’ve been asked to do, ask questions when something is unclear. And above all show respect for your workplace, and your colleagues. The commitment and accountability one shows on the job can result in new and exciting opportunities, growth, and a bright future!

As a member of the OSU and local communities, accountability starts by treating our surroundings with respect: pick up trash, value and help our neighbors, and become involved in community service activities. Take the time to be an involved and contributing member of the community – your home or home away from home.

In summary, taking accountability for one’s life means understanding and accepting that we alone are in charge of it, and responsible to ourselves and others. Be empowered! Make responsible choices and decisions! Either be accountable to yourself, or you will be made accountable by your circumstances.

Fernhopper Blog-Accountability

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