MBA Information Session

Are you interested in taking your degree to the next level?  Did you know that you can attain your Masters degree in Business Administration in as little as 9 months?  Come find out more information about the MBA program at Oregon State University on Wednesday, April 15 from 5:00-6:00 pm in RH 107.

The Oregon State MBA is designed to meet your needs on your terms.  There are seven tracks you can frame your MBA degree around, including:

  1. Business Analytics
  2. Commercialization
  3. Executive Leadership
  4. Global Operations
  5. Marketing
  6. Research Thesis
  7. Wealth Management

There are also two additional degrees in the MBA program, including the Accountancy MBA and Pharmacy MBA.

While it is mentioned previously that students can attain this degree in as little as 9 months as a full-time student, this program is also designed for part-time students.  Most of the seven tracks can be completed on a part-time basis in approximately 2-3 years.  To accommodate working professionals, courses are available in the evenings.

Check out the College of Business MBA website to learn more about the degree at OSU!  And don’t forget to put the MBA Info Session on your calendar for April 15 from 5:00-6:00 pm in Richardson Hall, Room 107!


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