My Study Life

College can be overwhelming, to say the least.  Your schedule varies day to day, there’s tests scattered randomly around, it’s really easy to forget the little assignments mentioned in class, and sometimes it just gets to be too much trying to remember everything.  Even using a paper planner, sometimes it gets forgotten at home when something new is assigned in class.  If this sounds like what happens to you, check out My Study Life!

My Study Life can do many things for the average college student.

  • Manage Classes- your schedule, online!  With week and day rotation timetable support, this turns your academic years/terms into tasks
  • Track Tasks- homework, assignments, reminders, and revision.  Leave your paper planner at home, because with this app, you will never need it again
  • Store Exams- Accessible anywhere, exams will never sneak up on you again, giving you ample time to prepare and ace that exam
  • Get Notified- the mobile app of My Study Life gives you notifications of unfinished tasks, upcoming exams, and classes before they start.

My Study Life gives college students the opportunity to focus on what’s really important: learning.  Instead of using all of their time and energy worrying about what is coming next, My Study Life allows students to worry about the content of their classes and can help make the transition to college life easier and more successful.

Give My Study Life a try this term!

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