Student Job Fair- Utilizing Career Services

It’s Dead Week Beaver Nation!  That means that classes for fall term are coming to an end and the much anticipated winter break is upon us.  Whatever will we do with all of our free time?!

One productive thing we could do (besides filling out our 2015-16 Scholarship Application) is to begin preparing for the 2015 SAF Student Chapter Job Fair, happening on February 3rd! So, what are some good ways to prepare?

Follow these steps:

  • Update your resume over Winter break
  • Schedule a time to visit Career Services, located in Kerr B008, early in the winter term.  They will review your resume and you can schedule a mock interview
  • Look through your closet and make sure you have what it takes to dress for success!

You can visit the Career Services website for tips and tools to make your resume attractive and professional, as well as get more information on how to impress future employers.

As always, if you have any questions about the Job Fair, stop by the Student Services Office, located in Peavy 250!

Good luck on finals and have a safe and fun holiday season!


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