Welcome to the 2014-15 academic year!

Welcome new and returning students!  We are so happy to have you here in the College of Forestry.  This year promises to bring  fun times, new experiences, and many exciting opportunities.

If you haven’t seen your advisor in a while do stop by to say hi.  This summer the new online advising appointment scheduling system launched.  Check out this video to learn how to use the system to schedule time with your advisor.

Did you know the college has a new head advisor?  Nicole Kent is the Manager for Undergraduate Curricula & Advising (AKA Head Advisor) and her office is in Peavy 204.

We here in Student Services are also happy to answer questions, give a little help, or connect you with resources across campus.  We’re located in Peavy 250.

If you’d like to learn about our student clubs and organizations, please plan to attend Clubs Day on October 14th.  From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Peavy Hall Courtyard you’ll find representatives from the CoF student clubs and organizations, and they’ll be able to tell you all about their activities, meeting schedule, etc. and you can even join the club.

Don’t forget to check out the Fernhopper Newsletter.  Each week this electronic publication is emailed to your OSU email account.  It’s filled with news, information, opportunities, and a listing of upcoming deadlines, etc.  It’s a great resource to use to keep up with happenings around the CoF.  Opportunities abound in the CoF!  Be sure to take advantage of them.




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