CoF Head Advisor retiring – Clay Torset Goodbye

Dear Forestry students,

As Spring term draws to a close, I am provided with an opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments of the College during my tenure.  Since joining the staff and faculty in the College of Forestry in 2001, one of the most enjoyable activities I have participated in is welcoming the incoming class of students each year.  Since 2001, , amongst many other achievements, we have witnessed the growth of our eCampus student population which now includes 1/3 of our undergraduate students, we have welcomed the Cascades and La Grande campuses to the CoF family, we have introduced the Renewable Materials undergraduate major, and we have established of the professional program in Forestry.

The graduating class of 2014 holds special fondness in my heart as I am retiring at the end of this summer.  A new head advisor will be joining the College this fall.   For those of you who are returning for next year, continue to challenge yourself and embrace all of the opportunities to learn and grow that this College and University provides.

As for our graduates, congratulations on your accomplishments, strive for excellence in all that you do, and contribute to the betterment of our society and resources.

Farewell and congratulations to the class of 2014!

–Clay Torset, Head Advisor

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