Welcome! And Welcome Back!

Hello CoF students,

We hope you had a restful but fun and exciting summer.   Are you ready for Fall term?  Maybe not…  Well, if not, here are a few helpful hints to get you started.

Be sure to know the academic calendar and associated deadlines.  We do post these deadlines on the white board in Peavy Courtyard and in the SLC, but it’s great if you know where you can access the information any time of day or night.

The deadline to add and drop classes for Fall term is, as always, the end of the 2nd week of the term.  That’s October 11th this year.  But note that you do need departmental permission if you are going to add a class in the 2nd week of the term and not many programs/departments allow that so be sure to visit our office or your advisor if you have questions.

The SAF Student Chapter Job Fair is planned for early February.  Get a jump on things and visit the Career Services Center in the basement of the Kerr Admin Building during Fall term!  Practice your interview skills, brush up your resume, and check out their new program called The Career Trail.

The big news for us this summer is that we’ve moved!  Yes, the Student Services Office has relocated from Peavy 140 to Peavy 248.  You’ll find us right next to the SLC.  Stop by to say hi and meet our new staff.   Remember that Clay will have drop in hours each Monday from 10-12 and again on Thursday from 3-5 but that most, if not all, of your questions can be answered by the staff in the Student Services Office.

Our other big news is that a new advisor for the FE, FE/CE, FOM, and new Forestry (both options) programs has been hired!  Welcome, Sandy Jameson!  Sandy can be found in Peavy 204 and is ready and able to help you with your academic advising.   Sandy can also be reached at 541-737-8691 or sandy.jameson@oregonstate.edu.

Have a great term and please do check this blog each week for new information – and of course, don’t forget to read your Fernhopper Newsletter coming to your ONID email each week!

– The Student Services Office
[Clay, Kira, Melissa, Brittany, and Carrie (RRM) and Amy (NR)]

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