We’re Back!

The Fernhopper Blog is back!  We’ve been on hiatus for a while but we’re back and have lots of great information to share.  Be sure to check back regularly for information on advising, academic policies you need to know about, events, job opportunities, etc.

Checking your grades!

You’ve likely completed some midterms by now, and with those grades, you should have an idea of how well you’re doing in your classes. If you’re not sure, check the MyGrades area of Blackboard and/or contact your professors after class, during office hours or via email.

The best-case scenario is that you’re happy with your grades, and if so, continue doing what’s working. But if your grades could be better, you can take action to improve things before the end of the term.

When you contact your professors, ask for specific ways you can do better in their classes. It might be improving your listening, note taking or time management habits.

You can also get help from the Academic Success Center, Writing Center and Collaborative Learning Center (CLC). If you’re living on campus, take advantage of the weekly tutoring sessions in your residence hall. If you’re taking classes online, contact the Ecampus Student Services Center for assistance.

Still, there may be instances where even if you’re giving a class your best effort, you’re still concerned about your grade and how it might affect your GPA. Remember you have options, and your adviser can help you choose the right one:

  • Consider changing your grading basis from A-F to Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) if it’s a bacc core class or not required for your major, minor or option. A grade of S — the equivalent of a C- or above — counts as credit toward graduation, but neither an S nor U grade affect your GPA. Changing to an S/U requires an adviser’s signature.
  • Consider withdrawing from the class. This should be a last resort if you, your professor and/or adviser believe you’re not likely to pass. Keep in mind, however, that to retain your financial aid, you must remain a full-time student (12 credits or more) in most cases. A grade of W will appear on your transcript.

The deadline for switching to an S/U or W is Friday, May 17, so act now, and have a good week!



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