2013-14 Scholarship Application

As finals wind down and you take a much needed and deserved rest over Winter break, don’t forget to apply for CoF Scholarships for the 2013-14 academic year.  Just remember how quickly Fall term went by and how busy you were and then use some of the free time you have coming up over the break to complete and submit your application.  You’ll thank yourself for it later!

Here’s the link to the scholarship page:  http://studentservices.forestry.oregonstate.edu/scholarships

After you read through the instructions, you’ll see the link to the application near the bottom of the page.  Please, please read the instructions first!

The application deadline is February 1, 2013 (no exceptions what-so-ever).  Please use some of your time over the upcoming holidays to complete your application.  It really is pretty simple and straightforward.

Here’s an insider tip!  Take some time to think about your short essays/statements.  You only have 300 words to express yourself so do so wisely and with care.  And another hint.  Yes, tuition is ever-increasing and that can feel really overwhelming and a scholarship would help you concentrate less on expenses and more on school so don’t use your 300 words relay that information.  Think about about what makes you or your situation unique, your experiences and contributions to forestry and natural resources truly valuable, and your education so important.

Have a great Winter break!

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