Preparation for Finals

Your first term at Oregon State is almost complete. Went by quickly, didn’t it?

End-of-term papers and projects will be due soon. Still have questions about those assignments? Contact your professors during office hours or ask after class. Need some help? That’s what the Academic Success Center, Writing Center and Collaborative Learning Center (CLC) are here for.

If you’ve developed a regular study schedule over the term, great! Keep at it, and consider adding some extra time during the week before finals (aka Dead Week). If not, these time management strategies can help you get back on track. Also, team up with friends from your classes for study sessions; you can learn from each other.

Finally, take care of yourself. Get enough sleep. Pulling an all-nighter can leave you so tired you don’t remember what you spent all night studying. Take a break when you need to. Go work out at Dixon. Eat well. And if you’re feeling stressed, go visit the Mind Spa in Snell Hall.

Be ready for the finals countdown, and have a good week!

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