What is Major, Minor, and Option coding about?

Registration for spring term began yesterday and some or many of you may be getting registration errors and you don’t know why.  Well, here’s the explanation:

Due to high demand in many of our College of Forestry courses, we have instituted Major, Minor, and Option Coding restrictions.  This means that if a course is required by your major then you’ll have access to the course first (or as your registration date and time arrives).  If it’s not required by your major, minor, or option but is one of several options to choose from you will have to wait until Phase II registration to add the course.  Note:  You must have a declared minor or option to be able to access these restricted classes and if the course if also required by other majors in the CoF then those students will have first dibs. 

What do I do about this?
Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do other than work with your advisor to plan out your courses several terms in advance.  If a high demand course is one of several options you can choose from, be flexible and consider those other choices.  This will maximize the speed and ease with which you progress through your program of study.  We do sympathize and realize this is not ideal but with lots of students and not so many seats available incertain courses we have few options to ensure that those who truly need certain courses to graduate get them in a timely manner.

If you have questions you can stop by the Student Services Office in Peavy 140 and speak with Clay Torset, head advisor or visit your academic advisor, or the head of your major’s home administrative department.

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