SAF Student Chapter Job Fair

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Feburary 7th is the annual SAF Student Chapter Job Fair.  Don’t miss this opportunity to meet potential employers, network, sign up for interviews, and get your name out there.  The fun begins at 10:00 a.m. in all three knuckles of Richardson Hall. 

Here are a few tips for a successful job fair:
1) Smile
2) Speak clearly and properly (no “like”s, “you  know”s, or other slang)
2) Introduce yourself and shake hands
3) Dress professionally (leave your jeans and t-shirts at home for one day)
4) Have your resume ready to provide to all the booths you visit
5) Ask for a business card for each representative you talk with and follow up with them in a few weeks.
6) Ask about opportunities available now and in the future.
7) Don’t be shy.
8) Be prepared to interview as some employers may ask you for an impromptu informal/investigational interview the same day as the fair.

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