Welcome to Winter Term!

Welcome back!  We hope you had a nice (and long) winter break!  Please be sure to check out Forestry’s job page for new position announcements that have posted over the break.  Now is a great time to start looking for summer work!


The SAF Student Chapter Job Fair is February 7th from 10am-3pm in the knuckles of Richardson Hall.  Plan to attend!  Visit Career Services ahead of time to finesse your resume and then bring copies of your resume to the event.  Dress appropriately for this professional occasion. 

Finally, remember that Forest Capital Partners and Lone Rock Timber will be visiting campus this month:

 Forest Capital Partners
January 17th
Peavy 104

Lone Rock Timber
January 26th
Peavy 272

Come prepared with your resume and remember to dress appropriately for a professional event.  Also, if you are interested in signing up for an interview with either or both of these companies please stop by Student Services in Peavy 140.  Forest Capital Partners has two positions open in Independence, OR, this summer and wish to receive resumes by January 17th to hr@forestcap.com so don’t delay!

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