Employer Information Nights

Don’t wait until May to start your summer job search.  Start the search now!  And to give you a good running start Lone Rock Timber and Forest Capital Partners will be visiting the College of Forestry during Winter term.  Here’s the scoop:

January 17th
Peavy Hall room 104
Free Pizza!
Forest Capital Partners, LLC is a private forest landowner that acquires and manages working forests across the U.S. for long-term sustainability.  They are looking to hire forestry and natural resource and business professional and have employment opportunities in six states!  Come to their information session to learn more and perhaps even get signed up for an interview.

January 26th
Peavy Hall room 272
Free Pizza!
Lone Rock Timber is interviewing!  Sign up for an interview session in Peavy Hall room 140 – that’s the Student Services Office.  Interviews will be conducted
on January 27th (the day after their info session) so you’ll want to go to the information session prepared – looking professional and with a resume in hand!
Lone Rock Timber “manages and maintains 115,000 acres of timberland throughout southwestern Oregon. Lone Rock strives to maximize the productivity of every acre, capitalizing on the latest technology and techniques to utilize all resources available, while preserving and often even improving those resources valuable to all Oregonians, namely streams and other wildlife habitat.”

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