Drop vs. Withdrawal

What’s the difference between a drop and a withdrawal from a class? 
Well, first of all it’s the deadline.  You may DROP a class through the second week of the term.  For Fall term that’s this coming Friday, October 7th.  If you drop a class by this deadline, the class effectively disappears from your transcript as though you never registered for it and if tuition or course fees were assessed, they will be reimbursed to your student account.    You may WITHDRAWAL from a class through the seventh week of the term.  For Fall term that’s Friday, November 11th.  If you withdraw from a class by this deadline, you receive a “W” on your transcript.  The credits for that class are removed/subtracted from your overall total credits earned for the term and there is no effect on your GPA.  Note, these credits still count in your “attempted” credits and count towards maximum credits allowed for financial aid purposes.   So, you should consider these things if you are receiving financial aid and need to be a full time student.   

Why would you choose one over the other? 
Well, perhaps you realize you are in over your head in a class (either you’re not prepared for the material or you’re taking a lot of classes this term or you’re working a lot or…) and it’s before the DROP deadline.  First you should talk with your advisor to make sure dropping won’t put you behind or delay entry into another class or… but if you DROP the class before this Friday (October 7th) your account will be credited if it changes your tuition assessment level. 

If you miss the DROP deadline and find you just can’t make it through a class for any number of reasons (again you really need to speak to your advisor before you make any final decision on withdrawing from a class) you can strategically use WITHDRAWAL to maintain an acceptable GPA and plan to take the class again (or perhaps a different class that meets the requirement) when you’re more prepared or have adequate time in your schedule.  Your GPA is protected from poor performance in that class and as long as at the end of the term you successfully complete 67% of the total number of credits your originally registered for you will have met the requirement for continuing financial aid.    

Both functions are available through Student Online Services.  However, before you do either, speak with your advisor to make sure you have the full story and aren’t putting yourself into a negative situation for future registration/course enrollment.

What do I do if I have a HOLD on my record?
If you have a HOLD on your record that would prevent you from DROPPING or WITHDRAWING from a course, you should visit the Registrar’s Office in the Kerr Admin Building for assistance as the staff there can administratively drop or withdraw you from a course(s).
What other strategies for achieving or maintaining academic success are out there?  Tune in next week to learn about S/U and P/N grading!

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