Fall term begins next week!

Are you dreading the thought of getting up for that 8am class on Monday?  Where did summer go?  And if you stayed in Corvallis, when did it even arrive?  Never-the-less, Fall term starts in just a few days.  We here in the Student Services Office are happy to have you all back and hope you had a great vacation.  If you traveled or worked at a really awesome job this summer, let us know about it!  This year we want to spotlight student activities in the Fernhopper Newsletter and on our website so please contact Elijah at forestrystudentservices@oregonstate.edu and tell him your summer story. 

Have you fully succumbed to the brain-drain that summer brings and forgotten to register for Fall classes?  If so, stop by Student Services in Peavy 140 at 2pm on Monday, September 26th and we’ll help you get going for the term. 

Those of you who are required to complete 6 months of work experience as a graduation requirement and worked at an applicable job this summer – please don’t forget to stop by Peavy 140 to pick up a Work Experience Form.  We’ll use the information on this form to send an evaluation to your supervisor which will then be reviewed by your advisor and your work experience recorded in MyDegrees.  This is super important!  Don’t delay! 

Upcoming Events:

Clubs Day, October 6th 9:30-11:30am in the Peavy Courtyard.  You’ll have the chance to meet forestry student club officers, learn what’s on the agenda for the year, and get connected so you can attend the next meeting.

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