Welcome to Spring Term!

Welcome back CoFers!  We hope that your spring break was relaxing enough for you to get energized for the home stretch.  There are a couple of things you should know about as this term starts.

CoF Student Worker Opportunity

The CoF Student Services Office has posted a job announcement for a Student Assistant position.  Training begins during this term and employment continues through the 2011-2012 academic year.  This job can provide you with up to 20 hours per week during the school year with full time work being possible over the summer.  The pay rate is $8.75/hour.  If you are interested in applying or seeing the job description, drop by Peavy 140.

Work Experience

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again.  The work experience requirement is the leading cause of graduation hold-up.  Don’t let senior slack (it’s real…I’ve experienced it) get in the way of receiving your diploma.  If you are an FE, FE/CE, FM, FOM, RRM, or RM major and you haven’t already submitted your work experience form, come to the Student Services Office to complete these forms.

Scholarships still available

  • The Douglas Small Woodlands Association/Don Ollivant Memorial Scholarship is open to students currently enrolled in college who graduated from a Douglas County.  Awards will be at least one scholarship not less than $500.  The application deadline is April 1!
  • The Dakotas Society of American Foresters Forest Resources Management scholarship is available to students majoring in the broad field of Forestry.  It is designed for current or past residents of North Dakota and South Dakota.  Also important in this application is membership or membership interest in the SAF (if you didn’t think club involvement could benefit you, think again!).  The award amount includes $1,000 and a one-year student membership in the SAF.  Application materials must be received by April 30 to receive consideration.

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