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Got scholarships?

My desk is currently PACKED with scholarship opportunities!  Help clean it off by coming into the Student Services Office and taking them!  New scholarship applications include:

The National Hoo Hoo-ette Club.  This opportunity is for women in forestry, lumber, and the wood products industry.  It is available for 3rd and 4th year female forestry students.

Douglas Timber Operators have scholarships available for students who are majoring in a natural resources related field.  The applicants must be residents of Coos, Douglas, or Lane County.  The applications are due by April 8, 2011.

The Intertribal Timber Council has announced the Truman D. Picard Scholarship Program.  This award is dedicated to the support of Native American students pursuing a degree in Natural Resources.  Awards in the amount of $2,000 are available for college students.

The National Center for Cooperative Education in Natural Resources also has scholarships available for continuing students pursuing degrees in a natural resources field.  These include Forestry, Range, Agriculture, Soils, GIS, Fisheries and Wildlife, Watershed and Hydrology, and Civil Engineering.  The award includes $5,000 annually of tuition assistance, summer employment, and employment opportunities for after graduation!

What is blocking your success?

The results for the 2010 National College Health Assessment were just released.  OSU students were given the opportunity to identify factors that negatively impacted their academic success.  Those factors, marked by the percentage of students feeling impacted, were:

10.  Alcohol use (8%)

9.  Concern for a troubled friend/family member (8.1%)

8.  Relationship difficulties (9.4%)

7.  Depression (9.7%)

6.  Internet Use/Computer Games (11%)

5.  Work (12.6%)

4.  Anxiety (17%)

3.  Sleep Difficulties (17.2%)

2.  Illness (20.9%)

1.  Stress (23%)

The key is that all of these factors are manageable given access to the right resources.  OSU has multiple resources available for students to help cope with these issues.  Your success as a student is the most important thing; take charge of your success!

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