Job Interview Sign-ups Available

Job descriptions can be found in the Student Services Office along with sign-ups for interview times.

Weyerhaeuser has multiple internship openings in the fields of Forest Management, Forest Engineering, Public Resource Protection/Enhancement Management, and Nursery and Orchards.  They have interview space reserved on January 25, 2011.  Come to the Student Services Office to pick up a Weyerhaeuser application and sign up for an interview slot.  Complete the application and bring it to Weyerhaueser’s Employer Information Session on January 20, 2011 in Richardson 201Q from 10:00am-4:00pm.

Lone Rock Timber has four internships available in the fields of Forest Management and Forest Engineering.  Two are located in Roseburg, OR and the other two are located in Medford, OR.  Stop by the Student Services Office to pick up the job descriptions and sign up for an interview.  Lone Rock Timber has interview space reserved for January 28, 2011.  You can also gather more information from them during their Employer Information Night on January 27, 2011.

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